- class soccer_pycontrol.soccerbot.Soccerbot(pose: Transformation, useFixedBase=False, useCalibration=True)[source]
The main class for soccerbot, which receives and sends information to pybullet, inherited by ROS
- __init__(pose: Transformation, useFixedBase=False, useCalibration=True)[source]
Initialization function for soccerbot. Does a series of calculations based on the URDF file for standing, walking poses
- Parameters:
pose – The position to initialize the robot, Z doesn’t matter here as it will be set automatically
useFixedBase – Whether to fix the base_link in the air for movement testing
useCalibration – Whether to use calibration for walking path calculations
(pose[, useFixedBase, useCalibration])Initialization function for soccerbot.
Add foot pressure sensor feedback (Currently not implemented)
Does head rotation for the robot, robot will try to face the ball if it is ready, otherwise rotate around if its relocalizing or finding the ball
(imu_pose)Adds IMU feedback while the robot is moving to the arms
(imu_pose)Adds IMU feedback while the robot is standing or getting ready to the arms
(t, imu_pose)Adds IMU feedback while the robot is moving to the arms
(endPose)Creates a path from the robot's current location to the goal location
Function for getting all the angles, combines the configuration with the configuration offset
(floor)Checks if 4 corners of the each feet are in contact with ground #TODO fix docstring
()Simulates the IMU at the IMU link location.
([verbose])Simulates the IMU at the IMU link location.
(link1, link2)Gives the H-trasnform between two links :param link1: Starting link :param link2: Ending link :return: H-transform from starting link to the ending link
(t, imu_pose)inverseKinematicsLeftFoot
(transformation)Inverse kinematic function for the left foot.
(transformation)# Does the inverse kinematics calculation for the right foot
Creates a plot of all the angles
Publishes angles to ros
()Sets the robot's joint angles for the robot to standing pose.
Reset the walking and standing PID values
(pose)Teleports the robot to the desired pose
(pose)Takes a 2D pose and sets the height of the pose to the height of the torso
(t)Updates the configuration for the robot for the next position t based on the current path
Height of the robot's torso (center between two arms) while walking
Dimensions of the foot collision box #TODO get it from URDF
Ready Pose angle for arm 1
Ready Pose angle for arm 2
The 18x1 float array motor angle configuration for the robot's 18 motors
The offset for the 18x1 motor angle configurations
PID values to adjust the torso's front and back movement while standing, getting ready to walk, and post walk
PID values to adjust the torso's front and back movement while walking
Odom pose at start of path, reset everytime a new path is created Odom pose, always starts at (0,0) and is the odometry of the robot's movement.
- apply_foot_pressure_sensor_feedback(floor)[source]
Add foot pressure sensor feedback (Currently not implemented)
- Parameters:
floor – The floor object
- apply_head_rotation()[source]
Does head rotation for the robot, robot will try to face the ball if it is ready, otherwise rotate around if its relocalizing or finding the ball
- apply_imu_feedback(imu_pose: Transformation)[source]
Adds IMU feedback while the robot is moving to the arms
- Parameters:
imu_pose – Pose of the torso
- Returns:
The value for the walking_pid controller
- apply_imu_feedback_standing(imu_pose: Transformation)[source]
Adds IMU feedback while the robot is standing or getting ready to the arms
- Parameters:
imu_pose – Pose of the torso
- Returns:
The value for the walking_pid controller
- apply_phase_difference_roll_feedback(t, imu_pose: Transformation)[source]
Adds IMU feedback while the robot is moving to the arms
- Parameters:
imu_pose – Pose of the torso
- Returns:
The value for the walking_pid controller
- arm_0_center
Ready Pose angle for arm 1
- arm_1_center
Ready Pose angle for arm 2
- configuration
The 18x1 float array motor angle configuration for the robot’s 18 motors
- configuration_offset
The offset for the 18x1 motor angle configurations
- createPathToGoal(endPose: Transformation) PathRobot [source]
Creates a path from the robot’s current location to the goal location
- Parameters:
endPose – 3D transformation
- Returns:
Robot path
- foot_box
Dimensions of the foot collision box #TODO get it from URDF
- get_angles()[source]
Function for getting all the angles, combines the configuration with the configuration offset
- Returns:
All 18 angles of the robot in an array formation
- get_foot_pressure_sensors(floor)[source]
Checks if 4 corners of the each feet are in contact with ground #TODO fix docstring
Indices for looking from above on the feet platesLeft Right4——-5 0——-1| ^ | | ^ | ^| | | | | | | forward direction| | | |6——-7 2——-3- Parameters:
floor – PyBullet body id of the plane the robot is walking on.
- Returns:
boolean array of 8 contact points on both feet, True: that point is touching the ground False: otherwise
- get_imu()[source]
Simulates the IMU at the IMU link location. TODO: Add noise model, make the refresh rate vary (currently in sync with the PyBullet time steps)
- Returns:
concatenated 3-axes values for linear acceleration and angular velocity
- get_imu_raw(verbose=False)[source]
Simulates the IMU at the IMU link location. TODO: Add noise model, make the refresh rate vary (currently in sync with the PyBullet time steps)
- Parameters:
verbose – Optional - Set to True to print the linear acceleration and angular velocity
- Returns:
concatenated 3-axes values for linear acceleration and angular velocity
- get_link_transformation(link1, link2)[source]
Gives the H-trasnform between two links :param link1: Starting link :param link2: Ending link :return: H-transform from starting link to the ending link
- inverseKinematicsLeftFoot(transformation)[source]
Inverse kinematic function for the left foot. Works due to symmetry between left and right foot.
- Parameters:
transformation – The 3D transformation from the torso center to the foot center
- Returns:
Motor angles for the left foot
- inverseKinematicsRightFoot(transformation)[source]
# Does the inverse kinematics calculation for the right foot
- Parameters:
transformation – The 3D transformation from the torso center to the foot center
- Returns:
6x1 Motor angles for the right foot
- odom_pose_start_path
Odom pose at start of path, reset everytime a new path is created Odom pose, always starts at (0,0) and is the odometry of the robot’s movement. All odom paths start from odom pose
- right_foot_joint_center_to_collision_box_center
- Type:
Transformations from the right foots joint position to the center of the collision box of the foot (https
- setPose(pose: Transformation)[source]
Teleports the robot to the desired pose
- Parameters:
pose – 3D position in pybullet
- setWalkingTorsoHeight(pose: Transformation) Transformation [source]
Takes a 2D pose and sets the height of the pose to the height of the torso
- Parameters:
position – 2D position of the robot’s torso in a 3D transformation format
- standing_pid
PID values to adjust the torso’s front and back movement while standing, getting ready to walk, and post walk
- stepPath(t)[source]
Updates the configuration for the robot for the next position t based on the current path
- Parameters:
t – Timestep relative to the time of the first path, where t=0 is the beginning of the path
- walking_pid
PID values to adjust the torso’s front and back movement while walking
- walking_torso_height
Height of the robot’s torso (center between two arms) while walking