Source code for soccer_pycontrol.soccerbot

import math
import queue
from copy import deepcopy
from os.path import expanduser
from typing import Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pybullet as pb
import rospy
import scipy
from rospy import ROSException
from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt, lfilter
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState

from import PID
from soccer_common.transformation import Transformation
from soccer_common.utils import wrapToPi
from soccer_pycontrol.calibration import adjust_navigation_transform
from soccer_pycontrol.joints import Joints
from soccer_pycontrol.links import Links
from soccer_pycontrol.path_robot import PathRobot

[docs]class Soccerbot: """ The main class for soccerbot, which receives and sends information to pybullet, inherited by ROS """
[docs] def __init__(self, pose: Transformation, useFixedBase=False, useCalibration=True): """ Initialization function for soccerbot. Does a series of calculations based on the URDF file for standing, walking poses :param pose: The position to initialize the robot, Z doesn't matter here as it will be set automatically :param useFixedBase: Whether to fix the base_link in the air for movement testing :param useCalibration: Whether to use calibration for walking path calculations """ #: Height of the robot's torso (center between two arms) while walking self.walking_torso_height = rospy.get_param("walking_torso_height", 0.315) #: Dimensions of the foot collision box #TODO get it from URDF self.foot_box = rospy.get_param("foot_box", [0.09, 0.07, 0.01474]) #: Transformations from the right foots joint position to the center of the collision box of the foot ( self.right_foot_joint_center_to_collision_box_center = rospy.get_param( "right_foot_joint_center_to_collision_box_center", [0.00385, 0.00401, -0.00737] ) #: Ready Pose angle for arm 1 self.arm_0_center = rospy.get_param("arm_0_center", -0.45) #: Ready Pose angle for arm 2 self.arm_1_center = rospy.get_param("arm_0_center", np.pi * 0.8) self.useCalibration = useCalibration self.merged_fixed_links = rospy.get_param("merge_fixed_links", False) home = expanduser("~") self.body = pb.loadURDF( home + f"/catkin_ws/src/soccerbot/{rospy.get_param('robot_model', 'bez1')}_description/urdf/{rospy.get_param('robot_model', 'bez1')}.urdf", useFixedBase=useFixedBase, flags=pb.URDF_USE_INERTIA_FROM_FILE | (pb.URDF_MERGE_FIXED_LINKS if self.merged_fixed_links else 0), basePosition=[pose.position[0], pose.position[1], pose.position[2]], baseOrientation=pose.quaternion, ) rospy.loginfo("List of joints for loaded URDF") rospy.loginfo([pb.getJointInfo(self.body, i)[1] for i in range(pb.getNumJoints(self.body))]) self.pybullet_offset = pb.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.body)[0][:2] + (0,) # pb.getLinkState(self.body, Links.TORSO)[4:6] self.motor_names = [pb.getJointInfo(self.body, i)[1].decode("utf-8") for i in range(18)] # IMU Stuff self.prev_lin_vel = [0, 0, 0] self.time_step_sim = 1.0 / 240 self.foot_center_to_floor = -self.right_foot_joint_center_to_collision_box_center[2] + self.foot_box[2] # Calculate Constants H34 = self.get_link_transformation(Links.RIGHT_LEG_4, Links.RIGHT_LEG_3) H45 = self.get_link_transformation(Links.RIGHT_LEG_5, Links.RIGHT_LEG_4) self.DH = np.array( [ [0, -np.pi / 2, 0, 0], [0, np.pi / 2, 0, 0], [H34[2, 3], 0, 0, 0], [H45[2, 3], 0, 0, 0], [0, np.pi / 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], ] ) self.torso_to_right_hip = self.get_link_transformation(Links.TORSO, Links.RIGHT_LEG_1) self.right_hip_to_left_hip = self.get_link_transformation(Links.LEFT_LEG_1, Links.RIGHT_LEG_1) self.hip_to_torso = abs(self.get_link_transformation(Links.RIGHT_LEG_1, Links.TORSO)[2, 3]) pitch_correction = Transformation([0, 0, 0], euler=[0, rospy.get_param("torso_offset_pitch_ready", 0.0), 0]) self.right_foot_init_position = self.get_link_transformation(Links.TORSO, Links.RIGHT_LEG_6) self.right_foot_init_position[2, 3] = -self.walking_torso_height + self.foot_center_to_floor self.right_foot_init_position[0, 3] -= rospy.get_param("torso_offset_x_ready", 0.0) self.right_foot_init_position = pitch_correction @ self.right_foot_init_position self.left_foot_init_position = self.get_link_transformation(Links.TORSO, Links.LEFT_LEG_6) self.left_foot_init_position[2, 3] = -self.walking_torso_height + self.foot_center_to_floor self.left_foot_init_position[0, 3] -= rospy.get_param("torso_offset_x_ready", 0.0) self.left_foot_init_position = pitch_correction @ self.left_foot_init_position self.setPose(pose) pitch_correction = Transformation([0, 0, 0], euler=[0, rospy.get_param("torso_offset_pitch", 0.0), 0]) self.torso_offset = Transformation([rospy.get_param("torso_offset_x", 0), 0, 0]) @ pitch_correction self.robot_path: Union[PathRobot, None] = None self.configuration = [0.0] * len(Joints) #: The 18x1 float array motor angle configuration for the robot's 18 motors self.configuration_offset = [0.0] * len(Joints) #: The offset for the 18x1 motor angle configurations self.max_forces = [] for i in range(0, 18): self.max_forces.append(pb.getJointInfo(self.body, i)[10] or rospy.get_param("max_force", 6)) pb.setJointMotorControlArray( bodyIndex=self.body, controlMode=pb.POSITION_CONTROL, jointIndices=list(range(0, 18, 1)), targetPositions=self.get_angles(), forces=self.max_forces, ) self.current_step_time = 0 # For head rotation self.head_step = 0.0 #: PID values to adjust the torso's front and back movement while standing, getting ready to walk, and post walk self.standing_pid = PID( Kp=rospy.get_param("standing_Kp", 0.15), Kd=rospy.get_param("standing_Kd", 0.0), Ki=rospy.get_param("standing_Ki", 0.001), setpoint=rospy.get_param("standing_setpoint", -0.01), output_limits=(-1.57, 1.57), ) self.standing_offset = rospy.get_param("standing_offset", 0.0) #: PID values to adjust the torso's front and back movement while walking self.walking_pid = PID( Kp=rospy.get_param("walking_Kp", 0.8), Kd=rospy.get_param("walking_Kd", 0.0), Ki=rospy.get_param("walking_Ki", 0.0005), setpoint=rospy.get_param("walking_setpoint", -0.01), output_limits=(-1.57, 1.57), ) self.walking_offset = rospy.get_param("walking_offset", 0.0) # All related to the roll feedback self.roll_feedback_low_pass_filter_butterworth_filter_params = None self.roll_feedback_low_pass_filter_order = 8 self.roll_feedback_steps_per_second = 0 # self.roll_feedback_x = queue.Queue(maxsize=self.roll_feedback_low_pass_filter_order + 1) self.roll_feedback_y = queue.Queue(maxsize=self.roll_feedback_low_pass_filter_order + 1) self.walking_pid_roll = PID( Kp=rospy.get_param("walking_roll_Kp", 0), Kd=rospy.get_param("walking_roll_Kd", 0), Ki=rospy.get_param("walking_roll_Ki", 0.05), setpoint=rospy.get_param("walking_roll_setpoint", 0.0), output_limits=(-0.1, 0.1), ) self.get_ready_rate = rospy.get_param("get_ready_rate", 0.02) #: Odom pose at start of path, reset everytime a new path is created #: Odom pose, always starts at (0,0) and is the odometry of the robot's movement. All odom paths start from odom pose self.odom_pose_start_path = Transformation() self.odom_pose = Transformation()
[docs] def get_angles(self): """ Function for getting all the angles, combines the configuration with the configuration offset :return: All 18 angles of the robot in an array formation """ angles = [wrapToPi(a + b) for a, b in zip(self.configuration, self.configuration_offset)] return angles
[docs] def ready(self) -> None: """ Sets the robot's joint angles for the robot to standing pose. """ # hands configuration = [0.0] * len(Joints) configuration[Joints.RIGHT_ARM_1] = self.arm_0_center configuration[Joints.LEFT_ARM_1] = self.arm_0_center configuration[Joints.RIGHT_ARM_2] = self.arm_1_center configuration[Joints.LEFT_ARM_2] = self.arm_1_center # right leg thetas = self.inverseKinematicsRightFoot(np.copy(self.right_foot_init_position)) configuration[Links.RIGHT_LEG_1 : Links.RIGHT_LEG_6 + 1] = thetas[0:6] # left leg thetas = self.inverseKinematicsLeftFoot(np.copy(self.left_foot_init_position)) configuration[Links.LEFT_LEG_1 : Links.LEFT_LEG_6 + 1] = thetas[0:6] # head configuration[Joints.HEAD_1] = self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_1] configuration[Joints.HEAD_2] = self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_2] # Slowly ease into the ready position previous_configuration = self.configuration try: joint_state = rospy.wait_for_message("joint_states", JointState, timeout=3) indexes = [ for motor_name in self.motor_names] previous_configuration = [joint_state.position[i] for i in indexes] except (ROSException, AttributeError) as ex: rospy.logerr(ex) except ValueError as ex: print(ex) rospy.logerr("Not all joint states are reported, cable disconnect?") rospy.logerr("Joint States") rospy.logerr(joint_state) rospy.logerr("Motor Names") print(self.motor_names) previous_configuration = [0] * len(Joints) for r in np.arange(0, 1.00, 0.040): rospy.loginfo_throttle(1, "Going into ready position") self.configuration[0:18] = ( np.array(np.array(configuration[0:18]) - np.array(previous_configuration[0:18])) * r + np.array(previous_configuration[0:18]) ).tolist() self.publishAngles() if pb.isConnected(): pb.setJointMotorControlArray( bodyIndex=self.body, controlMode=pb.POSITION_CONTROL, jointIndices=list(range(0, 18, 1)), targetPositions=self.get_angles(), forces=self.max_forces, ) pb.stepSimulation() else: rospy.sleep(self.get_ready_rate) self.configuration_offset = [0] * len(Joints)
[docs] def setWalkingTorsoHeight(self, pose: Transformation) -> Transformation: """ Takes a 2D pose and sets the height of the pose to the height of the torso :param position: 2D position of the robot's torso in a 3D transformation format """ p = pose position = p.position position[2] = self.walking_torso_height p.position = position return p
[docs] def inverseKinematicsRightFoot(self, transformation): """ # Does the inverse kinematics calculation for the right foot :param transformation: The 3D transformation from the torso center to the foot center :return: 6x1 Motor angles for the right foot """ transformation[0:3, 3] = transformation[0:3, 3] - self.torso_to_right_hip[0:3, 3] invconf = scipy.linalg.inv(transformation) d3 = self.DH[2, 0] d4 = self.DH[3, 0] Xd = invconf[0, 3] Yd = invconf[1, 3] Zd = invconf[2, 3] if np.linalg.norm([Xd, Yd, Zd]) > (d3 + d4): print("IK Position Unreachable: Desired Distance: " + str(np.linalg.norm([Xd, Yd, Zd])) + ", Limited Distance: " + str(d3 + d4)) assert np.linalg.norm([Xd, Yd, Zd]) <= (d3 + d4) theta6 = -np.arctan2(Yd, Zd) tmp1 = Zd / np.cos(theta6) tmp2 = Xd D = (((((tmp1**2) + (tmp2**2)) - ((d3**2) + (d4**2))) / 2) / d3) / d4 tmp3 = np.arctan2(D, -np.sqrt(1 - (D**2))) tmpX = tmp3 - (np.pi / 2) if tmpX < 0: tmpX = tmpX + (2 * np.pi) theta4 = -(np.unwrap([tmpX])[0]) assert theta4 < 4.6 alp = np.arctan2(tmp1, tmp2) beta = np.arctan2(-d3 * np.cos(tmp3), d4 + (d3 * np.sin(tmp3))) theta5 = np.pi / 2 - (alp - beta) H34 = Transformation(dh=[self.DH[3, 0], self.DH[3, 1], self.DH[3, 2], theta4]) H45 = Transformation(dh=[self.DH[4, 0], self.DH[4, 1], self.DH[4, 2], theta5]) H56 = Transformation(dh=[self.DH[5, 0], self.DH[5, 1], self.DH[5, 2], theta6]) H36 = np.matmul(H34, np.matmul(H45, H56)) final_rotation = Transformation(euler=[0, np.pi / 2, np.pi]) H03 = np.matmul(np.matmul(transformation, final_rotation), scipy.linalg.inv(H36)) assert np.linalg.norm(H03[0:3, 3]) - d3 < 0.03 angles = Transformation(rotation_matrix=scipy.linalg.inv(H03[0:3, 0:3])).orientation_euler theta3 = np.pi / 2 - angles[0] theta1 = -angles[1] theta2 = angles[2] + np.pi / 2 return [theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6]
[docs] def inverseKinematicsLeftFoot(self, transformation): """ Inverse kinematic function for the left foot. Works due to symmetry between left and right foot. :param transformation: The 3D transformation from the torso center to the foot center :return: Motor angles for the left foot """ transformation[0:3, 3] = transformation[0:3, 3] + self.right_hip_to_left_hip[0:3, 3] [theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6] = self.inverseKinematicsRightFoot(transformation) return [-theta1, -theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, -theta6]
[docs] def setPose(self, pose: Transformation): """ Teleports the robot to the desired pose :param pose: 3D position in pybullet """ self.pose = self.setWalkingTorsoHeight(pose) # Remove the roll and yaw from the pose [r, p, y] = pose.orientation_euler self.pose.orientation_euler = [r, 0, 0] if pb.isConnected(): pb.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(self.body, self.pose.position, self.pose.quaternion)
[docs] def createPathToGoal(self, endPose: Transformation) -> PathRobot: """ Creates a path from the robot's current location to the goal location :param endPose: 3D transformation :return: Robot path """ startPose = self.setWalkingTorsoHeight(self.pose) endPose = self.setWalkingTorsoHeight(endPose) # Remove the roll and yaw from the designated position [r, p, y] = endPose.orientation_euler endPose.orientation_euler = [r, 0, 0] # Add calibration if self.useCalibration: endPoseCalibrated = adjust_navigation_transform(startPose, endPose) else: endPoseCalibrated = endPose print( f"\033[92mEnd Pose Calibrated: Position (xyz) [{endPoseCalibrated.position[0]:.3f} {endPoseCalibrated.position[1]:.3f} {endPoseCalibrated.position[2]:.3f}], " f"Orientation (xyzw) [{endPoseCalibrated.quaternion[0]:.3f} {endPoseCalibrated.quaternion[1]:.3f} {endPoseCalibrated.quaternion[2]:.3f} {endPoseCalibrated.quaternion[3]:.3f}]\033[0m" ) self.robot_path = PathRobot(startPose, endPoseCalibrated, self.foot_center_to_floor) # obj.rate = rateControl(1 / obj.robot_path.step_size); -- from findPath self.rate = 1 / self.robot_path.step_precision self.period = self.robot_path.step_precision self.current_step_time = 0 self.odom_pose_start_path = deepcopy(self.odom_pose) return self.robot_path
[docs] def stepPath(self, t): """ Updates the configuration for the robot for the next position t based on the current path :param t: Timestep relative to the time of the first path, where t=0 is the beginning of the path """ assert t <= self.robot_path.duration() # Get Torso position (Average Time: 0.0007538795471191406) torso_position = self.robot_path.torsoPosition(t) @ self.torso_offset # Get foot position at time (Average Time: 0.0004878044128417969) [right_foot_position, left_foot_position] = self.robot_path.footPosition(t) # Calcualate the feet position relative from torso (Average Time: 0.000133514404296875) torso_to_left_foot = scipy.linalg.lstsq(torso_position, left_foot_position, lapack_driver="gelsy")[0] torso_to_right_foot = scipy.linalg.lstsq(torso_position, right_foot_position, lapack_driver="gelsy")[0] # Inverse kinematics for both feet (Average Time: 0.0015840530395507812) thetas = self.inverseKinematicsRightFoot(torso_to_right_foot) self.configuration[Links.RIGHT_LEG_1 : Links.RIGHT_LEG_6 + 1] = thetas[0:6] thetas = self.inverseKinematicsLeftFoot(torso_to_left_foot) self.configuration[Links.LEFT_LEG_1 : Links.LEFT_LEG_6 + 1] = thetas[0:6] self.pose = torso_position
[docs] def plot_angles(self): """ Creates a plot of all the angles """ angles = [] iterator = np.linspace( 0, self.robot_path.duration(), num=math.ceil(self.robot_path.duration() / self.robot_path.step_precision) + 1, ) plot_angles = np.zeros((len(iterator), 18)) i = 0 for t in iterator: self.stepPath(t) angles.append((t, self.get_angles().copy())) plot_angles[i] = np.array(self.get_angles().copy()) i = i + 1 fig = plt.figure(3, tight_layout=True) # Left Leg plt.subplot(311) plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.LEFT_LEG_1], label="LEFT_LEG_1") plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.LEFT_LEG_2], label="LEFT_LEG_2") plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.LEFT_LEG_3], label="LEFT_LEG_3") plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.LEFT_LEG_4], label="LEFT_LEG_4") plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.LEFT_LEG_5], label="LEFT_LEG_5") plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.LEFT_LEG_6], label="LEFT_LEG_6") plt.title("Left Foot") plt.xlabel("time (t)") plt.ylabel("Angles") plt.legend() plt.grid(b=True, which="both", axis="both") # Right Leg plt.subplot(312) plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.RIGHT_LEG_1], label="RIGHT_LEG_1") plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.RIGHT_LEG_2], label="RIGHT_LEG_2") plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.RIGHT_LEG_3], label="RIGHT_LEG_3") plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.RIGHT_LEG_4], label="RIGHT_LEG_4") plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.RIGHT_LEG_5], label="RIGHT_LEG_5") plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.RIGHT_LEG_6], label="RIGHT_LEG_6") plt.title("Right Foot") plt.xlabel("time (t)") plt.ylabel("Angles") plt.legend() plt.grid(b=True, which="both", axis="both") # Head & Arms plt.subplot(313) plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.HEAD_1], label="HEAD_1") plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.HEAD_2], label="HEAD_2") plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.RIGHT_ARM_1], label="RIGHT_ARM_1") plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.RIGHT_ARM_2], label="RIGHT_ARM_2") plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.LEFT_ARM_1], label="LEFT_ARM_1") plt.plot(iterator, plot_angles[:, Joints.LEFT_ARM_2], label="LEFT_ARM_2") plt.title("Head & Arms") plt.xlabel("time (t)") plt.ylabel("Angles") plt.legend() plt.grid(b=True, which="both", axis="both") fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def get_imu_raw(self, verbose=False): """ Simulates the IMU at the IMU link location. TODO: Add noise model, make the refresh rate vary (currently in sync with the PyBullet time steps) :param verbose: Optional - Set to True to print the linear acceleration and angular velocity :return: concatenated 3-axes values for linear acceleration and angular velocity """ quart_link, lin_vel, ang_vel = pb.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.body)[1:2] + pb.getBaseVelocity(self.body) # [lin_vel, ang_vel] = p.getLinkState(bodyUniqueId=self.soccerbotUid, linkIndex=Links.HEAD_1, computeLinkVelocity=1)[6:8] # print(p.getLinkStates(bodyUniqueId=self.soccerbotUid, linkIndices=range(0,18,1), computeLinkVelocity=1)) # p.getBaseVelocity(self.soccerbotUid) lin_vel = np.array(lin_vel, dtype=np.float32) self.gravity = [0, 0, -9.81] lin_acc = (lin_vel - self.prev_lin_vel) / self.time_step_sim lin_acc -= self.gravity rot_mat = np.array(pb.getMatrixFromQuaternion(quart_link), dtype=np.float32).reshape((3, 3)) lin_acc = np.matmul(rot_mat, lin_acc) ang_vel = np.array(ang_vel, dtype=np.float32) self.prev_lin_vel = lin_vel if verbose: print(f"lin_acc = {lin_acc}", end="\t\t") print(f"ang_vel = {ang_vel}") return np.concatenate((lin_acc, ang_vel))
[docs] def get_imu(self): """ Simulates the IMU at the IMU link location. TODO: Add noise model, make the refresh rate vary (currently in sync with the PyBullet time steps) :return: concatenated 3-axes values for linear acceleration and angular velocity """ if self.merged_fixed_links: [quat_pos, quat_orientation] = pb.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.body)[0:2] else: [quat_pos, quat_orientation] = pb.getLinkState(self.body, linkIndex=Links.IMU, computeLinkVelocity=1)[4:6] return Transformation(quat_pos, quat_orientation)
[docs] def get_foot_pressure_sensors(self, floor): """ Checks if 4 corners of the each feet are in contact with ground #TODO fix docstring | Indices for looking from above on the feet plates | Left Right | 4-------5 0-------1 | | ^ | | ^ | ^ | | | | | | | | forward direction | | | | | | 6-------7 2-------3 :param floor: PyBullet body id of the plane the robot is walking on. :return: boolean array of 8 contact points on both feet, True: that point is touching the ground False: otherwise """ locations = [False] * 8 right_pts = pb.getContactPoints(bodyA=self.body, bodyB=floor, linkIndexA=Links.RIGHT_LEG_6) left_pts = pb.getContactPoints(bodyA=self.body, bodyB=floor, linkIndexA=Links.LEFT_LEG_6) right_center = np.array(pb.getLinkState(self.body, linkIndex=Links.RIGHT_LEG_6)[4]) left_center = np.array(pb.getLinkState(self.body, linkIndex=Links.LEFT_LEG_6)[4]) right_tr = Transformation(quaternion=pb.getLinkState(self.body, linkIndex=Links.RIGHT_LEG_6)[5]).rotation_matrix left_tr = Transformation(quaternion=pb.getLinkState(self.body, linkIndex=Links.LEFT_LEG_6)[5]).rotation_matrix for point in right_pts: index = np.signbit(np.matmul(right_tr, point[5] - right_center))[0:2] locations[index[1] + index[0] * 2] = True for point in left_pts: index = np.signbit(np.matmul(left_tr, point[5] - left_center))[0:2] locations[index[1] + (index[0] * 2) + 4] = True return locations
[docs] def apply_imu_feedback(self, imu_pose: Transformation): """ Adds IMU feedback while the robot is moving to the arms :param imu_pose: Pose of the torso :return: The value for the walking_pid controller """ if imu_pose is None: return [_, pitch, _] = imu_pose.orientation_euler F = self.walking_pid.update(pitch) self.configuration_offset[Joints.LEFT_LEG_3] = F + self.walking_offset self.configuration_offset[Joints.RIGHT_LEG_3] = F + self.walking_offset return F
[docs] def apply_imu_feedback_standing(self, imu_pose: Transformation): """ Adds IMU feedback while the robot is standing or getting ready to the arms :param imu_pose: Pose of the torso :return: The value for the walking_pid controller """ if imu_pose is None: return [yaw, pitch, roll] = imu_pose.orientation_euler F = self.standing_pid.update(pitch) self.configuration_offset[Joints.LEFT_LEG_5] = F + self.standing_offset self.configuration_offset[Joints.RIGHT_LEG_5] = F + self.standing_offset return pitch
def get_phase_difference_roll(self, t, imu_pose: Transformation): if imu_pose is None: return [_, _, roll] = imu_pose.orientation_euler cos_value = np.cos(np.array(2 * np.pi * t * self.roll_feedback_steps_per_second / 2)) x = roll * cos_value # if self.roll_feedback_x.full(): self.roll_feedback_x.get() self.roll_feedback_x.put(x) b, a = self.roll_feedback_low_pass_filter_butterworth_filter_params sum = 0 for p in range(len(b)): sum += b[p] * self.roll_feedback_x.queue[len(b) - p - 1] for q in range(1, len(a)): sum -= a[q] * self.roll_feedback_y.queue[len(a) - q] y_n = sum / a[0] if self.roll_feedback_y.full(): self.roll_feedback_y.get() self.roll_feedback_y.put(y_n) return y_n
[docs] def apply_phase_difference_roll_feedback(self, t, imu_pose: Transformation): """ Adds IMU feedback while the robot is moving to the arms :param imu_pose: Pose of the torso :return: The value for the walking_pid controller """ if imu_pose is None: return y_n = self.get_phase_difference_roll(t, imu_pose) F = self.walking_pid_roll.update(y_n) return min(t + F, self.robot_path.duration())
[docs] def reset_imus(self): """ Reset the walking and standing PID values """ self.walking_pid.reset() self.walking_pid_roll.reset() self.standing_pid.reset()
def reset_roll_feedback_parameters(self): sampling_frequency = 100 self.roll_feedback_steps_per_second = self.robot_path.path_sections[0].linearStepCount() / self.robot_path.path_sections[0].duration() cutoff_frequency = self.roll_feedback_steps_per_second / 4 normalized_cutoff = cutoff_frequency / (0.5 * sampling_frequency) # Design the Butterworth filter self.roll_feedback_low_pass_filter_butterworth_filter_params = butter( self.roll_feedback_low_pass_filter_order, normalized_cutoff, btype="low", analog=False, output="ba" ) for i in range(self.roll_feedback_low_pass_filter_order + 1): self.roll_feedback_x.put(0) self.roll_feedback_y.put(0) pass
[docs] def apply_head_rotation(self): """ Does head rotation for the robot, robot will try to face the ball if it is ready, otherwise rotate around if its relocalizing or finding the ball """ pass
[docs] def apply_foot_pressure_sensor_feedback(self, floor): """ Add foot pressure sensor feedback (Currently not implemented) :param floor: The floor object """ foot_pressure_values = self.get_foot_pressure_sensors(floor) motor_forces = deepcopy(self.max_forces) if foot_pressure_values is None: return motor_forces # if (foot_pressure_values[0] and foot_pressure_values[1]) or ( # foot_pressure_values[2] and foot_pressure_values[3]): # Right foot on the ground # motor_forces[Joints.RIGHT_LEG_6] = 0.75 # if (foot_pressure_values[4] and foot_pressure_values[5]) or ( # foot_pressure_values[6] and foot_pressure_values[7]): # Right foot on the ground # motor_forces[Joints.LEFT_LEG_6] = 0.75 # Synchronise walking speed return motor_forces
[docs] def publishAngles(self): """ Publishes angles to ros """