- class soccer_pycontrol.path_section_bezier.PathSectionBezier(start_transform: Transformation, end_transform: Transformation)[source]
A path section made up of bezier curves
- __init__(start_transform: Transformation, end_transform: Transformation)[source]
Initializes the Path Section
- Parameters:
start_transform – Start Transform
end_transform – End Transform
torso_step_length – Length of a torso step
(start_transform, end_transform)Initializes the Path Section
How many steps are made for rotating on spot
(start_transform, ...)duration
()The total time of the path section
(step_num)Get the ratio of the Path Section :param step_num: :return: float ratio
Whether of not the robot is walking backwards
How many steps in the forward and backwards direction
(r)Get the pose of the torso between the ratio
Total number of torso steps
The amount of torso steps it takes to make the starting and final turn
How much smaller the body step is for backwards movement
How much distance is a torso step (equivalent to a half step)
How many torso steps per second, approximately equivalent to foot steps per second
- angularStepCount()
How many steps are made for rotating on spot
- Returns:
Number of steps in float, indicates half steps
- backwards_torso_step_length_ratio
How much smaller the body step is for backwards movement
- getRatioFromStep(step_num)[source]
Get the ratio of the Path Section :param step_num: :return: float ratio
- isWalkingBackwards()[source]
Whether of not the robot is walking backwards
- Returns:
True if backwards, else False
- linearStepCount() int
How many steps in the forward and backwards direction
- Returns:
Number of steps in float, indicates half steps
- poseAtRatio(r)[source]
Get the pose of the torso between the ratio
- Parameters:
r – float between [0, 1]
- Returns:
pose of the torso between the ratio
- steps_per_second_default
How many torso steps per second, approximately equivalent to foot steps per second
- torso_step_length
How much distance is a torso step (equivalent to a half step)
- turn_duration
The amount of torso steps it takes to make the starting and final turn