- class str)[source]
This is a reusable class that instantiates an instance of a Camera object that listens to the camera related topics related to a robot and has useful functions that use geometry to determine the 3d/2d projection and location of things
- __init__(robot_name: str)[source]
Initializes the camera object
- Parameters:
robot_name – Name of the robot, to be used in subscribers
(robot_name)Initializes the camera object
Reverse function for
, takes the bounding boxes of the ball as seen on the camera and return the 3D position of the ball assuming that the ball is on the groundcalculateBoundingBoxesFromBall
(ball_position)Takes a 3D ball transformation and returns the bounding boxes of the ball if seen on camera
Given the camera's position, return the area that is covered by the horizon (that is not the field area) in pixels from the top position :return: Pixel length from the top of the image to the point where it meets the horizon
(camera_info)Callback function for the camera info subscriber
(pos)From a 3d position on the field, get the camera coordinate, opposite of
Helper function for
, finds the camera coordinate if the camera were fixed at the originfindFloorCoordinate
(pos)From a camera pixel, get a coordinate on the floor
(pixel_x, pixel_y)From image pixel coordinates, get the coordinates of the pixel as if they have been projected ot the camera plane, which is positioned at (0,0) in 3D world coordinates
()Function to determine when the camera object has recieved the necessary information and is ready to be used
([from_world_frame, ...])Resets the position of the camera, it uses a series of methods that fall back on each other to get the location of the camera
(pos_x, pos_y)Reverse function for
, takes the 3D world coordinates of the camera plane and returns pixelsAttributes
The height of the image sensor (m)
The width of the image sensor (m)
The height of a pixel in real 3d measurements (m)
The wdith of a pixel in real 3d measurements (m)
The X resolution of the camera or the width of the screen in pixels
The Y resolution of the camera or the height of the screen in pixels
The vertical field of vision of the camera.
Name of the robot
Pose of the camera
Pose of the camera
Camera info object recieved from the subscriber
Focal length of the camera (meters) distance to the camera plane as projected in 3D
- calculateBallFromBoundingBoxes(ball_radius: float = 0.07, bounding_boxes: [<class 'float'>] = []) Transformation [source]
Reverse function for
, takes the bounding boxes of the ball as seen on the camera and return the 3D position of the ball assuming that the ball is on the ground- Parameters:
ball_radius – The radius of the ball in meters
bounding_boxes – The bounding boxes of the ball on the camera in the format [[x1,y1], [x1,y1]] which are the top left and bottom right of the bounding box respectively
- Returns:
3D coordinates of the ball stored in the
- calculateBoundingBoxesFromBall(ball_position: Transformation, ball_radius: float = 0.07)[source]
Takes a 3D ball transformation and returns the bounding boxes of the ball if seen on camera
- Parameters:
ball_position – 3D coordinates of the ball stored in the
formatball_radius – The radious of the ball in centimeters
- Returns:
The bounding boxes of the ball on the camera in the format [[x1,y1], [x1,y1]] which are the top left
and bottom right of the bounding box respectively
- calculateHorizonCoverArea() int [source]
Given the camera’s position, return the area that is covered by the horizon (that is not the field area) in pixels from the top position :return: Pixel length from the top of the image to the point where it meets the horizon
- cameraInfoCallback(camera_info: CameraInfo)[source]
Callback function for the camera info subscriber
- Parameters:
camera_info – from the camera info topic
- camera_info
Camera info object recieved from the subscriber
- findCameraCoordinate(pos: [<class 'int'>]) [<class 'int'>] [source]
From a 3d position on the field, get the camera coordinate, opposite of
- Parameters:
pos – The 3D coordinate of the object
- Returns:
The 2D pixel (x, y) on the camera, if the object was projected on the camera
- findCameraCoordinateFixedCamera(pos: [<class 'int'>]) [<class 'int'>] [source]
Helper function for
, finds the camera coordinate if the camera were fixed at the origin- Parameters:
pos – The 3D coordinate of the object
- Returns:
The 2D pixel (x, y) on the camera, if the object was projected on the camera and the camera is placed at the origin
- findFloorCoordinate(pos: [<class 'int'>]) [<class 'int'>] [source]
From a camera pixel, get a coordinate on the floor
- Parameters:
pos – The position on the screen in pixels (x, y)
- Returns:
The 3D coordinate of the pixel as projected to the floor
- focal_length
Focal length of the camera (meters) distance to the camera plane as projected in 3D
- property imageSensorHeight
The height of the image sensor (m)
- property imageSensorWidth
The width of the image sensor (m)
- imageToWorldFrame(pixel_x: int, pixel_y: int) tuple [source]
From image pixel coordinates, get the coordinates of the pixel as if they have been projected ot the camera plane, which is positioned at (0,0) in 3D world coordinates
- Parameters:
pixel_x – x pixel of the camera
pixel_y – y pixel of the camera
- Returns:
3D position (X, Y) of the pixel in meters
- property pixelHeight
The height of a pixel in real 3d measurements (m)
- property pixelWidth
The wdith of a pixel in real 3d measurements (m)
- pose
Pose of the camera
- pose_base_link_straight
Pose of the camera
- ready() bool [source]
Function to determine when the camera object has recieved the necessary information and is ready to be used
- Returns:
True if the camera is ready, else False
- reset_position(from_world_frame=False, timestamp=rospy.Time[0], camera_frame='/camera', skip_if_not_found=False)[source]
Resets the position of the camera, it uses a series of methods that fall back on each other to get the location of the camera
- Parameters:
from_world_frame – If this is set to true, the camera position transformation will be from the world instead of the robot odom frame
timestamp – What time do we want the camera tf frame, rospy.Time(0) if get the latest transform
camera_frame – The name of the camera frame
skip_if_not_found – If set to true, then will not wait if it cannot find the camera transform after the specified duration (1 second), it will just return
- property resolution_x: int
The X resolution of the camera or the width of the screen in pixels
- Returns:
width in pixels
- property resolution_y
The Y resolution of the camera or the height of the screen in pixels
- Returns:
height in pixels
- robot_name
Name of the robot
- property verticalFOV
The vertical field of vision of the camera. See Field of View
- worldToImageFrame(pos_x: float, pos_y: float) tuple [source]
Reverse function for
, takes the 3D world coordinates of the camera plane and returns pixels- Parameters:
pos_x – X position of the pixel on the world plane in meters
pos_y – Y position of the pixel on the world plane in meters
- Returns:
Tuple (x, y) of the pixel coordinates of in the image