Source code for soccer_pycontrol.path_section_bezier

import functools

import numpy as np
import rospy
from scipy.special import comb

from soccer_common.transformation import Transformation
from soccer_pycontrol.path_section import PathSection

[docs]class PathSectionBezier(PathSection): """ A path section made up of bezier curves """
[docs] def __init__(self, start_transform: Transformation, end_transform: Transformation): self.start_transform: Transformation = start_transform self.end_transform: Transformation = end_transform #: The amount of torso steps it takes to make the starting and final turn self.turn_duration = rospy.get_param("turn_duration", 3) #: How much smaller the body step is for backwards movement self.backwards_torso_step_length_ratio = rospy.get_param("backwards_torso_step_length_ratio", 0.5) #: How much distance is a torso step (equivalent to a half step) torso_step_length = rospy.get_param("torso_step_length", 0.04) if self.isWalkingBackwards(): torso_step_length = torso_step_length * self.backwards_torso_step_length_ratio super().__init__(start_transform, end_transform, torso_step_length)
[docs] def poseAtRatio(self, r): pose = self.bezierPositionAtRatio(self.start_transform, self.end_transform, r) pose_del = self.bezierPositionAtRatio(self.start_transform, self.end_transform, r + 0.001) if self.isWalkingBackwards(): del_pose = pose.position - pose_del.position else: del_pose = pose_del.position - pose.position # If walking backwards del_theta = np.arctan2(del_pose[1], del_pose[0]) del_psi = np.arctan2(del_pose[2], np.linalg.norm(del_pose[0:2])) pose.orientation_euler = [del_theta, -del_psi, 0.0] return pose
def bezierPositionAtRatio(self, start_transform, end_transform, r): # If the distance is small, use turn in place strategy, otherwise cubic bezier p1 = start_transform if self.isWalkingBackwards(): p2 = np.matmul(start_transform, Transformation([-self.speed * self.turn_duration, 0.0, 0.0])) p3 = np.matmul(end_transform, Transformation([self.speed * self.turn_duration, 0.0, 0.0])) else: p2 = np.matmul(start_transform, Transformation([self.speed * self.turn_duration, 0.0, 0.0])) p3 = np.matmul(end_transform, Transformation([-self.speed * self.turn_duration, 0.0, 0.0])) p4 = end_transform p1_pos = p1.position p2_pos = p2.position p3_pos = p3.position p4_pos = p4.position position = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) for d in range(0, 3): bez_param = [p1_pos[d], p2_pos[d], p3_pos[d], p4_pos[d]] # Cubic bezier for i in range(0, 4): position[d] = position[d] + bez_param[i] * comb(3, i, exact=True, repetition=False) * ((1 - r) ** (3 - i)) * (r**i) return Transformation(position)
[docs] def getRatioFromStep(self, step_num): idx = np.argmin(np.abs((step_num * self.torso_step_length) - self.distanceMap[:, 1])) return self.distanceMap[idx, 0]
[docs] def duration(self): return self.distance / self.speed
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def isWalkingBackwards(self): start_angle = self.start_transform.orientation_euler[0] del_pose = self.end_transform.position - self.start_transform.position if[np.cos(start_angle), np.sin(start_angle)], del_pose[0:2]) < 0: return True return False
[docs] def torsoStepCount(self): return self.linearStepCount()