Source code for

from functools import cached_property

import numpy as np
import rospy
import scipy
import tf
import tf2_py
from rospy import Subscriber
from sensor_msgs.msg import CameraInfo
from tf import TransformListener
from tf.transformations import *

from soccer_common.transformation import Transformation

[docs]class Camera: """ This is a reusable class that instantiates an instance of a Camera object that listens to the camera related topics related to a robot and has useful functions that use geometry to determine the 3d/2d projection and location of things """ HORIZONTAL_FOV = 1.39626
[docs] def __init__(self, robot_name: str): """ Initializes the camera object :param robot_name: Name of the robot, to be used in subscribers """ self.robot_name = robot_name #: Name of the robot self.pose = Transformation() #: Pose of the camera self.pose_base_link_straight = Transformation() #: Pose of the camera self.camera_info = None #: Camera info object recieved from the subscriber self.horizontalFOV = Camera.HORIZONTAL_FOV self.focal_length = 3.67 #: Focal length of the camera (meters) distance to the camera plane as projected in 3D self.camera_info_subscriber = Subscriber("/" + robot_name + "/camera/camera_info", CameraInfo, self.cameraInfoCallback) self.tf_listener = TransformListener() self.init_time =
[docs] def ready(self) -> bool: """ Function to determine when the camera object has recieved the necessary information and is ready to be used :return: True if the camera is ready, else False """ return self.pose is not None and self.resolution_x is not None and self.resolution_y is not None and self.camera_info is not None
[docs] def reset_position(self, from_world_frame=False, timestamp=rospy.Time(0), camera_frame="/camera", skip_if_not_found=False): """ Resets the position of the camera, it uses a series of methods that fall back on each other to get the location of the camera :param from_world_frame: If this is set to true, the camera position transformation will be from the world instead of the robot odom frame :param timestamp: What time do we want the camera tf frame, rospy.Time(0) if get the latest transform :param camera_frame: The name of the camera frame :param skip_if_not_found: If set to true, then will not wait if it cannot find the camera transform after the specified duration (1 second), it will just return """ if from_world_frame: try: self.tf_listener.waitForTransform("world", self.robot_name + camera_frame, timestamp, rospy.Duration(nsecs=1000000)) (trans, rot) = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform("world", self.robot_name + camera_frame, timestamp) self.pose = Transformation(trans, rot) return except ( tf2_py.LookupException, tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException, tf2_py.TransformException, ) as ex: rospy.logerr_throttle(5, f"Unable to find transformation from world to {self.robot_name + camera_frame}") pass else: try: # Find the odom to base_footprint and publish straight base footprint self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(self.robot_name + "/odom", self.robot_name + "/base_footprint", timestamp, rospy.Duration(secs=1)) (trans, rot) = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform(self.robot_name + "/odom", self.robot_name + "/base_footprint", timestamp) world_to_base_link = Transformation(trans, rot) e = world_to_base_link.orientation_euler e[1] = 0 e[2] = 0 world_to_base_link.orientation_euler = e self.pose_base_link_straight = world_to_base_link # Calculate the camera transformation self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(self.robot_name + "/odom", self.robot_name + camera_frame, timestamp, rospy.Duration(secs=1)) (trans, rot) = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform(self.robot_name + "/odom", self.robot_name + camera_frame, timestamp) world_to_camera = Transformation(trans, rot) camera_to_base_link = scipy.linalg.inv(world_to_base_link) @ world_to_camera self.pose = camera_to_base_link return except ( tf2_py.LookupException, tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException, tf2_py.TransformException, ) as ex: rospy.logerr_throttle(5, f"Unable to find transformation from world to {self.robot_name + camera_frame}") pass
[docs] def cameraInfoCallback(self, camera_info: CameraInfo): """ Callback function for the camera info subscriber :param camera_info: from the camera info topic """ self.camera_info = camera_info
@cached_property def resolution_x(self) -> int: """ The X resolution of the camera or the width of the screen in pixels :return: width in pixels """ return self.camera_info.width @cached_property def resolution_y(self): """ The Y resolution of the camera or the height of the screen in pixels :return: height in pixels """ return self.camera_info.height
[docs] def findFloorCoordinate(self, pos: [int]) -> [int]: """ From a camera pixel, get a coordinate on the floor :param pos: The position on the screen in pixels (x, y) :return: The 3D coordinate of the pixel as projected to the floor """ tx, ty = self.imageToWorldFrame(pos[0], pos[1]) pixel_pose = Transformation(position=(self.focal_length, tx, ty)) camera_pose = self.pose pixel_world_pose = camera_pose @ pixel_pose ratio = (camera_pose.position[2] - pixel_world_pose.position[2]) / self.pose.position[2] # TODO Fix divide by 0 problem x_delta = (pixel_world_pose.position[0] - camera_pose.position[0]) / ratio y_delta = (pixel_world_pose.position[1] - camera_pose.position[1]) / ratio return [x_delta + camera_pose.position[0], y_delta + camera_pose.position[1], 0]
[docs] def findCameraCoordinate(self, pos: [int]) -> [int]: """ From a 3d position on the field, get the camera coordinate, opposite of :func:`~soccer_common.Camera.findFloorCoordinate` :param pos: The 3D coordinate of the object :return: The 2D pixel (x, y) on the camera, if the object was projected on the camera """ pos3d = Transformation(pos) camera_pose = self.pose pos3d_tr = np.linalg.inv(camera_pose) @ pos3d return self.findCameraCoordinateFixedCamera(pos3d_tr.position)
[docs] def findCameraCoordinateFixedCamera(self, pos: [int]) -> [int]: """ Helper function for :func:`~soccer_common.Camera.findCameraCoordinate`, finds the camera coordinate if the camera were fixed at the origin :param pos: The 3D coordinate of the object :return: The 2D pixel (x, y) on the camera, if the object was projected on the camera and the camera is placed at the origin """ pos = Transformation(pos) ratio = self.focal_length / pos.position[0] tx = pos.position[1] * ratio ty = pos.position[2] * ratio x, y = self.worldToImageFrame(tx, ty) return [x, y]
@cached_property def verticalFOV(self): """ The vertical field of vision of the camera. See `Field of View <>`_ """ return 2 * math.atan(math.tan(self.horizontalFOV * 0.5) * (self.resolution_y / self.resolution_x)) @cached_property def imageSensorHeight(self): """ The height of the image sensor (m) """ return math.tan(self.verticalFOV / 2.0) * 2.0 * self.focal_length @cached_property def imageSensorWidth(self): """ The width of the image sensor (m) """ return math.tan(self.horizontalFOV / 2.0) * 2.0 * self.focal_length @cached_property def pixelHeight(self): """ The height of a pixel in real 3d measurements (m) """ return self.imageSensorHeight / self.resolution_y @cached_property def pixelWidth(self): """ The wdith of a pixel in real 3d measurements (m) """ return self.imageSensorWidth / self.resolution_x pass
[docs] def imageToWorldFrame(self, pixel_x: int, pixel_y: int) -> tuple: """ From image pixel coordinates, get the coordinates of the pixel as if they have been projected ot the camera plane, which is positioned at (0,0) in 3D world coordinates :param pixel_x: x pixel of the camera :param pixel_y: y pixel of the camera :return: 3D position (X, Y) of the pixel in meters """ return ( (self.resolution_x / 2.0 - (pixel_x + 0.5)) * self.pixelWidth, (self.resolution_y / 2.0 - (pixel_y + 0.5)) * self.pixelHeight, )
[docs] def worldToImageFrame(self, pos_x: float, pos_y: float) -> tuple: """ Reverse function for :func:`~soccer_common.Camera.imageToWorldFrame`, takes the 3D world coordinates of the camera plane and returns pixels :param pos_x: X position of the pixel on the world plane in meters :param pos_y: Y position of the pixel on the world plane in meters :return: Tuple (x, y) of the pixel coordinates of in the image """ return ( (self.resolution_x / 2.0 + pos_x / self.pixelWidth) - 0.5, (self.resolution_y / 2.0 + pos_y / self.pixelHeight) - 0.5, )
[docs] def calculateBoundingBoxesFromBall(self, ball_position: Transformation, ball_radius: float = 0.07): """ Takes a 3D ball transformation and returns the bounding boxes of the ball if seen on camera :param ball_position: 3D coordinates of the ball stored in the :class:`Transformation` format :param ball_radius: The radious of the ball in centimeters :return: The bounding boxes of the ball on the camera in the format [[x1,y1], [x1,y1]] which are the top left and bottom right of the bounding box respectively """ camera_pose = self.pose pos3d_tr = np.linalg.inv(camera_pose) @ ball_position x = pos3d_tr.position[0] y = -pos3d_tr.position[1] z = -pos3d_tr.position[2] r = ball_radius thetay = math.atan2(y, x) dy = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) phiy = math.asin(r / dy) xyfar = [x - math.sin(thetay + phiy) * r, y + math.cos(thetay + phiy) * r] xynear = [x + math.sin(thetay - phiy) * r, y - math.cos(thetay - phiy) * r] thetaz = math.atan2(z, x) dz = math.sqrt(x**2 + z**2) phiz = math.asin(r / dz) xzfar = [x - math.sin(thetaz + phiz) * r, z + math.cos(thetaz + phiz) * r] xznear = [x + math.sin(thetaz - phiz) * r, z - math.cos(thetaz - phiz) * r] ball_right_point = [xyfar[0], xyfar[1], z] ball_left_point = [xynear[0], xynear[1], z] ball_bottom_point = [xzfar[0], y, xzfar[1]] ball_top_point = [xznear[0], y, xznear[1]] ball_left_point_cam = self.findCameraCoordinateFixedCamera(ball_left_point) ball_right_point_cam = self.findCameraCoordinateFixedCamera(ball_right_point) ball_top_point_cam = self.findCameraCoordinateFixedCamera(ball_top_point) ball_bottom_point_cam = self.findCameraCoordinateFixedCamera(ball_bottom_point) left_border_x = ball_left_point_cam[0] right_border_x = ball_right_point_cam[0] top_border_y = ball_top_point_cam[1] bottom_border_y = ball_bottom_point_cam[1] bounding_box = [[left_border_x, top_border_y], [right_border_x, bottom_border_y]] return bounding_box
[docs] def calculateBallFromBoundingBoxes(self, ball_radius: float = 0.07, bounding_boxes: [float] = []) -> Transformation: """ Reverse function for :func:`~soccer_common.Camera.calculateBoundingBoxesFromBall`, takes the bounding boxes of the ball as seen on the camera and return the 3D position of the ball assuming that the ball is on the ground :param ball_radius: The radius of the ball in meters :param bounding_boxes: The bounding boxes of the ball on the camera in the format [[x1,y1], [x1,y1]] which are the top left and bottom right of the bounding box respectively :return: 3D coordinates of the ball stored in the :class:`Transformation` format """ # bounding boxes [(y1, z1), (y2, z2)] r = ball_radius y1 = bounding_boxes[0][0] z1 = bounding_boxes[0][1] y2 = bounding_boxes[1][0] z2 = bounding_boxes[1][1] # Assuming the ball is a sphere, the bounding box must be a square, averaging the borders ym = (y1 + y2) / 2 zm = (z1 + z2) / 2 length = z2 - z1 width = y2 - y1 y1 = ym - (width / 2) z1 = zm - (length / 2) y2 = ym + (width / 2) z2 = zm + (length / 2) y1w, z1w = self.imageToWorldFrame(y1, z1) y2w, z2w = self.imageToWorldFrame(y2, z2) y1w = -y1w z1w = -z1w y2w = -y2w z2w = -z2w f = self.focal_length thetay1 = math.atan2(y1w, f) thetay2 = math.atan2(y2w, f) thetayy = (thetay2 - thetay1) / 2 thetay = thetay1 + thetayy dy = r / math.sin(thetayy) xy = (math.cos(thetay) * dy, math.sin(thetay) * dy) thetaz1 = math.atan2(z1w, f) thetaz2 = math.atan2(z2w, f) thetazz = (thetaz2 - thetaz1) / 2 thetaz = thetaz1 + thetazz dz = r / math.sin(thetazz) xz = (math.cos(thetaz) * dz, math.sin(thetaz) * dz) ball_x = xy[0] ball_y = xy[1] ball_z = xz[1] tr = Transformation([ball_x, -ball_y, -ball_z]) tr_cam = self.pose @ tr return tr_cam
[docs] def calculateHorizonCoverArea(self) -> int: """ Given the camera's position, return the area that is covered by the horizon (that is not the field area) in pixels from the top position :return: Pixel length from the top of the image to the point where it meets the horizon """ pitch = self.pose.orientation_euler[1] d = math.sin(pitch) * self.focal_length (r, h) = self.worldToImageFrame(0, -d) return int(min(max(0, h), self.resolution_y))