#!/usr/bin/env python3
import copy
import csv
import os
from typing import Optional
if "ROS_NAMESPACE" not in os.environ:
os.environ["ROS_NAMESPACE"] = "/robot1"
import rospy
from rospy import ROSException
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
from std_msgs.msg import Empty
from soccer_msgs.msg import FixedTrajectoryCommand, RobotState
[docs]class Trajectory:
"""Interpolates a CSV trajectory for multiple joints."""
RATE = 100
[docs] def __init__(self, trajectory_path: str, mirror=False):
"""Initialize a Trajectory from a CSV file at trajectory_path.
if it's getup trajectory append the desired final pose so the robot is ready for next action
expects rectangular shape for csv table"""
self.terminate = False
self.mirror = mirror
self.splines = {}
self.step_map = {}
self.time_to_last_pose = 2 # seconds
self.trajectory_path = trajectory_path
# last_joint_state = JointState()
# try:
# last_joint_state = rospy.wait_for_message("joint_states", JointState, timeout=2)
# except (ROSException, AttributeError) as ex:
# rospy.logerr(ex)
# except ValueError as ex:
# print(ex)
with open(trajectory_path) as f:
csv_traj = csv.reader(f)
for row in csv_traj:
joint_name = row[0]
if joint_name == "comment":
if joint_name == "time":
self.times = list(map(float, row[1:]))
self.times = [0] + self.times + [self.times[-1] + self.time_to_last_pose]
self.max_time = self.times[-1]
joint_values = list(map(float, row[1:]))
# last_pose_value = float(rospy.get_param(f"motor_mapping/{joint_name}/initial_state"))
last_pose_value = 0.0
# if joint_name in last_joint_state.name:
# last_pose_value = last_joint_state.position[last_joint_state.name.index(joint_name)]
joint_values = [last_pose_value] + joint_values + [last_pose_value]
self.splines[joint_name] = interp1d(self.times, joint_values)
[docs] def get_setpoint(self, timestamp):
"""Get the position of each joint at timestamp.
If timestamp < 0 or timestamp > self.total_time this will throw a ValueError.
return {joint: spline(timestamp) for joint, spline in self.splines.items()}
[docs] def joints(self):
"""Returns a list of joints in this trajectory."""
return self.splines.keys()
def run(self, real_time=True):
pub_all_motor = rospy.Publisher("joint_command", JointState, queue_size=2)
rate = rospy.Rate(Trajectory.RATE)
t = 0
while not rospy.is_shutdown() and t <= self.max_time + 0.01 and not self.terminate:
js = JointState()
js.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
for joint, setpoint in self.get_setpoint(round(t * 100) / 100).items():
if self.mirror:
if "left" in joint:
joint = joint.replace("left", "right")
elif "right" in joint:
joint = joint.replace("right", "left")
except ROSException as ex:
t += 0.01
if int(t + 0.01) != int(t):
print(f"Trajectory at t={t}")
if real_time:
[docs]class TrajectoryManager:
[docs] def __init__(self):
use_sim_time_prefix = "_sim" if rospy.get_param("use_sim_time", "false") == "true" else ""
self.trajectory_path = (
"~trajectory_path", os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../trajectories/") + rospy.get_param_cached("robot_model", "bez1")
+ use_sim_time_prefix
self.trajectory: Optional[Trajectory] = None
self.command_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("command", FixedTrajectoryCommand, self.command_callback, queue_size=1)
self.robot_state_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("state", RobotState, self.robot_state_callback, queue_size=1)
self.finish_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher("action_complete", Empty, queue_size=1)
def robot_state_callback(self, state: RobotState):
if state.status in [RobotState.STATUS_PENALIZED]:
if self.trajectory is not None:
self.trajectory.terminate = True
def command_callback(self, command: FixedTrajectoryCommand):
if self.trajectory is not None:
path = self.trajectory_path + "/" + command.trajectory_name + ".csv"
if not os.path.exists(path):
rospy.logerr(f"Trajectory doesn't exist in path {path}")
self.trajectory = Trajectory(path, command.mirror)
if __name__ == "__main__":
trajectory_class = TrajectoryManager()
r = rospy.Rate(100)
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
if trajectory_class.trajectory is not None:
rospy.loginfo("Running Trajectory: " + trajectory_class.trajectory.trajectory_path + f" {trajectory_class.trajectory.mirror}")
rospy.loginfo("Finished Trajectory: " + trajectory_class.trajectory.trajectory_path)
trajectory_class.trajectory = None