Source code for soccer_strategy.robot_controlled

import abc
import math

import numpy as np
import rospy

from soccer_common.transformation import Transformation
from soccer_strategy.ball import Ball
from soccer_strategy.robot import Robot

[docs]class RobotControlled(Robot): BODY_LENGTH = 0.085000 / 2 BODY_WIDTH = (0.145000 + 0.047760 * 2) / 2
[docs] def __init__( self, robot_id=0, team=Robot.Team.UNKNOWN, role=Robot.Role.UNASSIGNED, status=Robot.Status.DISCONNECTED, position=np.array([0, 0, 0]), ): super().__init__(robot_id=robot_id, team=team, role=role, status=status, position=position) self.previous_status = self.status self.stop_requested = False self.start_position = None self.goal_position = None self.max_kick_speed = 2 self.robot_focused_on_ball_time = rospy.Time(0) self.kick_with_right_foot = True self.min_kick_distance = rospy.get_param("min_kick_distance", 0.20) self.min_kick_angle = rospy.get_param("min_kick_angle", 0.4)
[docs] def shorten_navigation_position(self, goal_position): """ Limits the length of the navigation, for example a goal given 2 meters will return a goal determined by the shorten_navigation_limit parameter, if it is 1 then 1 meter max navigation limit :param goal_position: [x, y, theta] of the robot's goal position """ shorten_navigation_limit = rospy.get_param("shorten_navigation_limit", 2) distance_xy = np.linalg.norm(self.position[0:2] - goal_position[0:2]) if distance_xy < shorten_navigation_limit: return goal_position diff = goal_position[0:2] - self.position[0:2] diff_unit = diff / np.linalg.norm(diff) diff_unit *= shorten_navigation_limit diff_angle = math.atan2(diff[1], diff[0]) new_location = np.array([self.position[0] + diff_unit[0], self.position[1] + diff_unit[1], diff_angle]) rospy.loginfo(f"Shortened Navigation Path: Original {goal_position} New {new_location}") return new_location
[docs] def set_navigation_position(self, goal_position): """ Set's the robot's navigation position for the robot to go to :param goal_position: goal_position: [x, y, theta] of the robot's goal position """ if self.status == Robot.Status.WALKING: if self.goal_position is not None and np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.goal_position[0:2]) - np.array(goal_position[0:2])) < 0.05: rospy.logwarn("New Goal too close to previous goal: New " + str(self.goal_position) + " Old " + str(goal_position)) return False else: rospy.logwarn("Updating Goal: New " + str(self.goal_position) + " Old " + str(goal_position)) self.start_position = self.position self.goal_position = goal_position self.status = Robot.Status.WALKING return True
[docs] def can_kick(self, ball: Ball, goal_position, verbose=True): """ Whether the robot can kick the ball based on the robot and ball position :param ball: Ball object :param goal_position: [x, y, theta] of the robot's goal position :return: True if the robot can kick the ball """ if ball is None or ball.position is None: return False # generate destination pose ball_position = ball.position[0:2] player_position = self.position[0:2] player_angle = self.position[2] # difference between robot angle and nav goal angle robot_ball_vector = ball_position - player_position robot_ball_angle = math.atan2(robot_ball_vector[1], robot_ball_vector[0]) nav_angle_diff = player_angle - robot_ball_angle distance_of_player_to_ball = np.linalg.norm(player_position - ball_position) # Evaluate kicking angle is correct if distance_of_player_to_ball < self.min_kick_distance and abs(nav_angle_diff) < self.min_kick_angle: if nav_angle_diff > 0: self.kick_with_right_foot = True else: self.kick_with_right_foot = False if verbose: print( "\u001b[1m\u001b[34mPlayer {}: Kick | Player Angle {:.3f}, Robot Ball Angle {:.3f}, Nav_angle Diff {:.3f}, Distance Player Ball {:.3f}, Right Foot {}\u001b[0m".format( self.robot_id, player_angle, robot_ball_angle, nav_angle_diff, distance_of_player_to_ball, self.kick_with_right_foot, ) ) return True return False
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def terminate_walk(self): """ Send a command to stop the robot's walking """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def kick(self, kick_velocity): """ Send a command to kick the ball """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_back_up(self, type: str = "getupback"): """ Send a command get back up, based on the get up type """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def reset_initial_position(self): """ Set's the robot's position based on the amcl_pose :return: """ pass