Source code for soccer_strategy.game_engine_2d

import copy
import json
import os
import random
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import rosparam
import rospy

from soccer_common import Transformation
from soccer_common.utils import wrapTo2Pi
from soccer_msgs.msg import GameState
from soccer_strategy.ball import Ball
from soccer_strategy.game_engine_2d_scene import Scene
from soccer_strategy.robot import Robot
from soccer_strategy.robot_controlled_2d import RobotControlled2D
from soccer_strategy.strategy.strategy import Strategy
from soccer_strategy.strategy.strategy_determine_side import flip_player_sides
from soccer_strategy.strategy.strategy_dummy import StrategyDummy
from soccer_strategy.strategy.strategy_stationary import StrategyStationary
from import Team

[docs]class GameEngine2D: """ 2D simualtor for the game engine, used for testing strategy quickly without interfacing with webots """ PHYSICS_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 0.25 # 4 Times per second DISPLAY_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 0.5 # Every 5 seconds
[docs] def __init__( self, display=True, team_1_strategy: type = StrategyDummy, team_2_strategy: type = StrategyDummy, team_1: Optional[Team] = None, team_2: Optional[Team] = None, game_duration: float = 20, set_to_ready_location=False, ): """ :param display: Whether to show the visualizer :param team_1_strategy: What strategy the team 1 will use :param team_2_strategy: What strategy the team 2 will use :param game_duration: How long to run the game (in minutes) """ rospy.set_param("/use_sim_time", True) rospy.rostime._set_rostime(rospy.Time(0)) self.display = display self.game_duration = game_duration # Initialize teams self.team1 = Team( [ RobotControlled2D( robot_id=1, team=Robot.Team.FRIENDLY, role=Robot.Role.UNASSIGNED, status=Robot.Status.DISCONNECTED, position=np.array([-4, 0, 0]), ), RobotControlled2D( robot_id=2, team=Robot.Team.FRIENDLY, role=Robot.Role.UNASSIGNED, status=Robot.Status.DISCONNECTED, position=np.array([-1, -1, 0]), ), RobotControlled2D( robot_id=3, team=Robot.Team.FRIENDLY, role=Robot.Role.UNASSIGNED, status=Robot.Status.DISCONNECTED, position=np.array([-1, 1, 0]), ), RobotControlled2D( robot_id=4, team=Robot.Team.FRIENDLY, role=Robot.Role.UNASSIGNED, status=Robot.Status.DISCONNECTED, position=np.array([-0.5, 0, 0]), ), ] ) if team_1 is not None: self.team1 = team_1 = 16 self.team1_init = copy.deepcopy(self.team1) self.team2 = Team( [ RobotControlled2D( robot_id=1, team=Robot.Team.OPPONENT, # role=Robot.Role.GOALIE, role=Robot.Role.UNASSIGNED, status=Robot.Status.DISCONNECTED, position=np.array([4, 0, -3.14]), ), RobotControlled2D( robot_id=2, team=Robot.Team.OPPONENT, # role=Robot.Role.LEFT_WING, role=Robot.Role.UNASSIGNED, status=Robot.Status.DISCONNECTED, position=np.array([1, -1, -3.14]), ), RobotControlled2D( robot_id=3, team=Robot.Team.OPPONENT, # role=Robot.Role.RIGHT_WING, role=Robot.Role.UNASSIGNED, status=Robot.Status.DISCONNECTED, position=np.array([1, 1, -3.14]), ), RobotControlled2D( robot_id=4, team=Robot.Team.OPPONENT, # role=Robot.Role.STRIKER, role=Robot.Role.UNASSIGNED, status=Robot.Status.DISCONNECTED, position=np.array([0.5, 0, -3.14]), ), ] ) if team_2 is not None: self.team2 = team_2 = 5 if set_to_ready_location: team_1_strategy = StrategyStationary team_2_strategy = StrategyStationary for team, file in zip([self.team1, self.team2], ["team_1.json", "team_2.json"]): file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) config_folder_path = f"{file_path}/../../config/{file}" with open(config_folder_path) as json_file: team_info = json.load(json_file) if team == self.team2: flip_player_sides(team_info) for robot, robot_json in zip(team.robots, team_info["players"].values()): trans = np.array(robot_json["reentryStartingPose"]["translation"]) angle = robot_json["reentryStartingPose"]["rotation"][3] robot.position = np.array([trans[0], trans[1], angle]) self.robot_strategies = {} for robot in self.team1.robots: self.robot_strategies[(, robot.robot_id)] = team_1_strategy() for robot in self.team2.robots: self.robot_strategies[(, robot.robot_id)] = team_2_strategy() self.team2.flip_positions() self.team2_init = copy.deepcopy(self.team2) self.ball = Ball() self.ball_init = copy.deepcopy(self.ball) # Initialize display if self.display: self.scene = Scene(self.team1.robots + self.team2.robots, self.ball) self.gameState = GameState() self.gameState.gameState = GameState.GAMESTATE_INITIAL self.gameState.secondaryState = GameState.STATE_NORMAL
[docs] def run(self): """ Main loop for the 2D strategy executor, runs the strategies for both team against a vispy simulator """ game_period_seconds = int( self.game_duration * 60 / GameEngine2D.PHYSICS_UPDATE_INTERVAL ) # 2 Periods of 10 minutes each, each step is a second friendly_points = 0 opponent_points = 0 if self.display: for i in range(10): self.scene.update(self.team1.robots + self.team2.robots, self.ball) for step in range(game_period_seconds): if step == int(game_period_seconds / 2): print("\033[96m----- Second Half Started -----\033[0m") self.reset_robots() if step % int(game_period_seconds / 2 / 20) == 0: print(f"\033[96mTime Elapsed: {step } / {game_period_seconds}\033[0m") self.update_estimated_physics(self.team1.robots + self.team2.robots, self.ball) for robot in self.team1.robots: strategy = self.robot_strategies[(, robot.robot_id)] if step % strategy.update_frequency == 0: = True strategy.step_strategy(self.team1, self.team2, self.gameState) = False for robot in self.team2.robots: strategy = self.robot_strategies[(, robot.robot_id)] if step % strategy.update_frequency == 0: = True strategy.step_strategy(self.team2, self.team1, self.gameState) = False # Check victory condition if self.ball.position[0] > 4.5: print("----------------------------------------------------------------------") print("Friendly Scores!") friendly_points += 1 self.reset_robots() elif self.ball.position[0] < -4.5: print("----------------------------------------------------------------------") print("Opponent Scores!") opponent_points += 1 self.reset_robots() if self.display and step % GameEngine2D.DISPLAY_UPDATE_INTERVAL == 0: self.scene.update(self.team1.robots + self.team2.robots, self.ball) # Step the ros time manually rospy.rostime._rostime_current += rospy.Duration(1) print("----------------------------------------------------------------------") print(f"Game Finished: Friendly: {friendly_points}, Opponent: {opponent_points}") rospy.set_param("/use_sim_time", False) rospy.rostime._rostime_current = None return friendly_points, opponent_points
[docs] def update_estimated_physics(self, robots: [RobotControlled2D], ball: Ball): """ Executes the world physics step, robot's movement, ball movement, and for fairness it runs through the priority for kicks in a random fashion. :param robots: The list of all robots including enemy robots :param ball: The ball in the game """ # Robot do action in a random priority order for robot in sorted(robots, key=lambda _: random.random()): robot.observe_ball(ball) robot.observe_obstacles(robots) if robot.status == Robot.Status.WALKING: previous_transformation: Transformation = robot.path.estimatedPositionAtTime(robot.path_time) next_transformation: Transformation = robot.path.estimatedPositionAtTime(robot.path_time + GameEngine2D.PHYSICS_UPDATE_INTERVAL) robot.path_time = robot.path_time + GameEngine2D.PHYSICS_UPDATE_INTERVAL relative_transformation = np.linalg.inv(previous_transformation) @ next_transformation original_position = Transformation(pos_theta=robot.position) new_position_3d = original_position @ relative_transformation new_position = new_position_3d.pos_theta update = True for bot in robots: if robot.robot_id != bot.robot_id: bot_to_cur_bot = bot.position[0:2] - new_position[0:2] distance = np.linalg.norm(bot_to_cur_bot) if distance < robot.BODY_WIDTH * 2: update = False if update: robot.position = new_position if robot.path.isFinished(robot.path_time): robot.status = Robot.Status.READY robot.path_time = 0 continue elif robot.status == Robot.Status.KICKING: if ball.kick_timeout == 0: if robot.can_kick(ball, None, verbose=False): kick_angle_rand = np.random.normal(0, 0.2) kick_force_rand = max(np.random.normal(0.4, 0.3), 0) if kick_force_rand == 0: print("Kick Missed") kick_angle = wrapTo2Pi(robot.position[2] + kick_angle_rand) rotation_rand = np.array([[np.cos(kick_angle), -np.sin(kick_angle)], [np.sin(kick_angle), np.cos(kick_angle)]]) ball.velocity = kick_force_rand * rotation_rand @ np.array([robot.max_kick_speed, 0]) ball.kick_timeout = 5 robot.status = Robot.Status.GETTING_BACK_UP robot.trajectory_timeout = 8 robot.path_time = 0 elif robot.status == Robot.Status.GETTING_BACK_UP: if robot.trajectory_timeout == 0: robot.status = Robot.Status.READY else: robot.trajectory_timeout -= 1 else: robot.path_time = 0 # Ball if ball.kick_timeout > 0: ball.kick_timeout = ball.kick_timeout - 1 # update ball position self.ball.position_is_live_timeout = 10 self.ball.position = self.ball.position + self.ball.velocity * GameEngine2D.PHYSICS_UPDATE_INTERVAL # slow down ball with friction if not np.array_equal(self.ball.velocity, np.array([0, 0])): ball_unit_velocity = self.ball.velocity / np.linalg.norm(self.ball.velocity) ball_delta_speed = Ball.FRICTION * GameEngine2D.PHYSICS_UPDATE_INTERVAL ball_speed = np.linalg.norm(self.ball.velocity) if ball_speed > ball_delta_speed: self.ball.velocity = self.ball.velocity - ball_delta_speed * ball_unit_velocity else: self.ball.velocity = np.array([0, 0])
[docs] def reset_robots(self): """ Reset's the robot and the team back to their initial state, so a new game happen """ self.team1 = copy.deepcopy(self.team1_init) self.team2 = copy.deepcopy(self.team2_init) self.ball = copy.deepcopy(self.ball_init)