Source code for soccer_pycontrol.soccerbot_ros

import os
from typing import Optional

import tf
import tf2_py
import torch
from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose2D, PoseStamped
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry, Path
from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu
from std_msgs.msg import Empty, Float64

from soccer_msgs.msg import RobotState
from soccer_pycontrol.soccerbot import *

[docs]class SoccerbotRos(Soccerbot): """ The main class for the robot, which receives and sends information to ROS """
[docs] def __init__(self, pose: Transformation, useFixedBase=False, useCalibration=True): super().__init__(pose, useFixedBase, useCalibration) self.cleats_offset = rospy.get_param( "cleats_offset", -0.01634 ) #: Additional height added by cleats and grass, consists of 1cm grass and 0.5cm cleats self.motor_publishers = {} self.pub_all_motor = rospy.Publisher("joint_command", JointState, queue_size=1) self.odom_publisher = rospy.Publisher("odom", Odometry, queue_size=1) self.path_publisher = rospy.Publisher("path", Path, queue_size=1, latch=True) self.path_odom_publisher = rospy.Publisher("path_odom", Path, queue_size=1, latch=True) = tf.TransformBroadcaster() self.imu_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("imu_filtered", Imu, self.imu_callback, queue_size=1) self.imu_ready = False self.listener = tf.TransformListener() self.last_ball_found_timestamp = None self.last_ball_pose = None self.last_ball_tracking_walking_timestamp: Optional[rospy.Time] = None self.ball_pixel_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("ball_pixel", Pose2D, self.ball_pixel_callback, queue_size=1) self.ball_pixel: Optional[Pose2D] = None self.last_ball_pixel: Optional[Pose2D] = None self.last_ball_pixel_update = self.head_centered_on_ball_publisher = rospy.Publisher("head_centered_on_ball", Empty, queue_size=1) self.robot_state_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("state", RobotState, self.state_callback) self.robot_state = RobotState() self.robot_state.status = RobotState.STATUS_DISCONNECTED #: Frequency for the head's yaw while searching and relocalizing (left and right movement) self.head_yaw_freq = rospy.get_param("head_yaw_freq", 0.02 if torch.cuda.is_available() else 0.003) self.head_yaw_freq_relocalizing = rospy.get_param("head_yaw_freq_relocalizing", 0.005 if torch.cuda.is_available() else 0.003) #: Frequency for the head's while searching and relocalizing yaw (up and down movement) self.head_pitch_freq = rospy.get_param("head_pitch_freq", 0.02 if torch.cuda.is_available() else 0.003) self.head_pitch_freq_relocalizing = rospy.get_param("head_pitch_freq_relocalizing", 0.005 if torch.cuda.is_available() else 0.003)
[docs] def state_callback(self, robot_state: RobotState): """ Callback function for information about the robot's state :param robot_state: A class which tells you information about the robot, disconnected etc """ self.robot_state = robot_state
[docs] def imu_callback(self, msg: Imu): """ Callback function for IMU information :param msg: IMU Message """ self.imu_msg = msg self.imu_ready = True
[docs] def ball_pixel_callback(self, msg: Pose2D): """ Callback function for ball pixel, used for head rotation calculations :param msg: The location of the pixel of the center of the ball in the Camera """ self.ball_pixel = msg
[docs] def updateRobotConfiguration(self) -> None: """ Reads the joint_states message and resets all the positions of all the joints """ self.configuration_offset = [0] * len(Joints) try: joint_state = rospy.wait_for_message("joint_states", JointState, timeout=3) indexes = [ for motor_name in self.motor_names] self.configuration[0:18] = [joint_state.position[i] for i in indexes] except (ROSException, KeyError, AttributeError) as ex: rospy.logerr(ex) except ValueError as ex: print(ex) rospy.logerr("Not all joint states are reported, cable disconnect?") rospy.logerr("Joint States") rospy.logerr(joint_state) rospy.logerr("Motor Names") print(self.motor_names) self.configuration[0:18] = [0] * len(Joints)
[docs] def publishAngles(self): """ Send the robot angles based on self.configuration + self.configuration_offset to ROS """ js = JointState() = [] js.header.stamp = js.position = [] js.effort = [] angles = self.get_angles() for i, n in enumerate(self.motor_names): js.position.append(angles[i]) try: rospy.loginfo_once("Started Publishing Motors") self.pub_all_motor.publish(js) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException as ex: print(ex) exit(0)
[docs] def stepPath(self, t): super(SoccerbotRos, self).stepPath(t) # Get odom from odom_path self.odom_pose = ( self.odom_pose_start_path
[docs] @ self.robot_path.start_transformed_inv @ self.robot_path.torsoPosition(t, invert_calibration=True) @ self.torso_offset )
def publishPath(self, robot_path=None): """ Publishes the robot path to rviz for debugging and visualization :param robot_path: The path to publish, leave empty to publish the robot's current path """ if robot_path is None: robot_path = self.robot_path def createPath(robot_path, invert_calibration=False) -> Path: p = Path() p.header.frame_id = "world" p.header.stamp = for i in range(0, robot_path.torsoStepCount(), 1): step = robot_path.getTorsoStepPose(i) if invert_calibration: step = adjust_navigation_transform(robot_path.start_transform, step) position = step.position orientation = step.quaternion pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.seq = i pose.header.frame_id = "world" pose.pose.position.x = position[0] pose.pose.position.y = position[1] pose.pose.position.z = position[2] pose.pose.orientation.x = orientation[0] pose.pose.orientation.y = orientation[1] pose.pose.orientation.z = orientation[2] pose.pose.orientation.w = orientation[3] p.poses.append(pose) return p self.path_publisher.publish(createPath(robot_path)) self.path_odom_publisher.publish(createPath(robot_path, invert_calibration=True))
[docs] def publishOdometry(self, time: rospy.Time): """ Send the odometry of the robot to be used in localization by ROS """ o = Odometry() o.header.stamp = time o.header.frame_id = os.environ["ROS_NAMESPACE"][1:] + "/odom" o.child_frame_id = os.environ["ROS_NAMESPACE"][1:] + "/base_link" o.pose.pose = self.odom_pose.pose o.pose.pose.position.z = 0 # fmt: off o.pose.covariance = [1e-4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e-4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e-18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e-18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e-18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e-2] # fmt: on self.odom_publisher.publish(o) # Publish the height of the center of the torso of the robot (used for camera vision calculations and odometry) height = self.pose.position[2] + self.foot_box[2] / 2 + self.cleats_offset (0, 0, height), (0, 0, 0, 1), time, os.environ["ROS_NAMESPACE"] + "/torso", os.environ["ROS_NAMESPACE"] + "/base_footprint", ) pass
[docs] def get_imu(self): """ Gets the IMU at the IMU link location. :return: calculated orientation of the center of the torso of the robot """ assert self.imu_ready return Transformation( [0, 0, 0], [ self.imu_msg.orientation.x, self.imu_msg.orientation.y, self.imu_msg.orientation.z, self.imu_msg.orientation.w, ], )
[docs] def get_foot_pressure_sensors(self, floor): # TODO subscribe to foot pressure sensors pass
[docs] def apply_head_rotation(self): if self.robot_state.status == RobotState.STATUS_PENALIZED: self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_1] = 0 self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_2] = 0 self.publishAngles() elif self.robot_state.status == RobotState.STATUS_DETERMINING_SIDE: self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_1] = math.cos(self.head_step * self.head_pitch_freq_relocalizing) * (math.pi / 4) self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_2] = 0 self.head_step += 1 elif self.robot_state.status == RobotState.STATUS_LOCALIZING: self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_1] = math.cos(self.head_step * self.head_yaw_freq_relocalizing) * (math.pi / 4) self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_2] = math.pi * rospy.get_param("head_rotation_yaw_center", 0.175) - math.sin( self.head_step * self.head_pitch_freq_relocalizing ) * math.pi * rospy.get_param("head_rotation_yaw_range", 0.15) self.head_step += 1 elif self.robot_state.status == self.robot_state.STATUS_READY: try: ball_found_timestamp = self.listener.getLatestCommonTime( os.environ["ROS_NAMESPACE"] + "/camera", os.environ["ROS_NAMESPACE"] + "/ball" ) if self.last_ball_found_timestamp is None or ball_found_timestamp - self.last_ball_found_timestamp > rospy.Duration(2): self.last_ball_found_timestamp = ball_found_timestamp rospy.loginfo_throttle(5, f"Ball found at timestamp {self.last_ball_found_timestamp}") self.listener.waitForTransform("world", os.environ["ROS_NAMESPACE"] + "/ball", rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(nsecs=500000000)) last_ball_position, last_ball_orientation = self.listener.lookupTransform( "world", os.environ["ROS_NAMESPACE"] + "/ball", rospy.Time(0) ) self.last_ball_pose = Transformation(last_ball_position) rospy.loginfo_once("Last ball pose set") except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException, tf2_py.TransformException): rospy.loginfo_throttle(5, "Ball no longer in field of view, searching for the ball") pass # So that the arms don't block the vision self.configuration[Joints.LEFT_ARM_1] = (-0.3 - self.configuration[Joints.LEFT_ARM_1]) * 0.05 + self.configuration[Joints.LEFT_ARM_1] self.configuration[Joints.RIGHT_ARM_1] = (-0.3 - self.configuration[Joints.RIGHT_ARM_1]) * 0.05 + self.configuration[Joints.RIGHT_ARM_1] self.configuration[Joints.LEFT_ARM_2] = (0.8 - self.configuration[Joints.LEFT_ARM_2]) * 0.05 + self.configuration[Joints.LEFT_ARM_2] self.configuration[Joints.RIGHT_ARM_2] = (0.8 - self.configuration[Joints.RIGHT_ARM_2]) * 0.05 + self.configuration[Joints.RIGHT_ARM_2] # If the last time it saw the ball was 2 seconds ago if self.last_ball_found_timestamp is not None and ( - self.last_ball_found_timestamp) < rospy.Duration(3): assert self.ball_pixel is not None camera_movement_speed = 0.0008 pixel_threshold = 15 if self.ball_pixel != self.last_ball_pixel or ( - self.last_ball_pixel_update) > rospy.Duration(0.2): xpixeldiff = self.ball_pixel.x - 640 / 2 if abs(xpixeldiff) > pixel_threshold: self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_1] -= max( min(camera_movement_speed * xpixeldiff, camera_movement_speed * 100), -camera_movement_speed * 100 ) ypixeldiff = self.ball_pixel.y - 480 / 2 if abs(ypixeldiff) > pixel_threshold: self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_2] += max( min(camera_movement_speed * ypixeldiff, camera_movement_speed * 100), -camera_movement_speed * 100 ) self.last_ball_pixel = self.ball_pixel self.last_ball_pixel_update = if abs(xpixeldiff) <= pixel_threshold and abs(ypixeldiff) <= pixel_threshold: self.head_centered_on_ball_publisher.publish() rospy.loginfo_throttle( 1, f"\033[92mCentered Camera on Ball (x,y) ({self.ball_pixel.x}, {self.ball_pixel.y}) -> (320, 240)\033[0m" ) else: rospy.loginfo_throttle(1, f"Centering Camera on Ball (x,y) ({self.ball_pixel.x}, {self.ball_pixel.y}) -> (320, 240)") elif ( self.last_ball_tracking_walking_timestamp is not None and - self.last_ball_tracking_walking_timestamp < rospy.Duration(1) ): rospy.loginfo_throttle(1, "Slowly raising head to locate ball") self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_2] = max(self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_2] - 0.025, 0) self.head_step += 1 else: rospy.loginfo_throttle(5, "Searching for ball again") self.last_ball_pose = None self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_1] = math.sin(self.head_step * self.head_yaw_freq) * (math.pi / 4) self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_2] = math.pi * rospy.get_param("head_rotation_yaw_center", 0.185) - math.cos( self.head_step * self.head_pitch_freq ) * math.pi * rospy.get_param("head_rotation_yaw_range", 0.15) self.head_step += 1 elif self.robot_state.status == self.robot_state.STATUS_WALKING: # If it is walking moving, turn it's head to the last location where it saw the ball if self.last_ball_pose is not None: rospy.loginfo_throttle(1, f"Searching for ball last location {self.last_ball_pose.position}") try: camera_position, camera_orientation = self.listener.lookupTransform( "world", os.environ["ROS_NAMESPACE"] + "/camera", rospy.Time(0) ) euler_yaw_only = Transformation.get_euler_from_quaternion(camera_orientation) euler_yaw_only[1] = 0 euler_yaw_only[2] = 0 camera_pose = Transformation(camera_position, euler=euler_yaw_only) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): rospy.logerr_throttle(5, "Unable to get robot to camera pose") return camera_to_ball = scipy.linalg.inv(camera_pose) @ self.last_ball_pose camera_to_ball_position = camera_to_ball.position yaw = math.atan2(camera_to_ball_position[1], camera_to_ball_position[0]) pitch = math.atan2(camera_to_ball_position[2], camera_to_ball_position[0]) # If the ball last location is too difficult for the head to turn to if abs(yaw) > np.pi * 0.5 or abs(pitch) > np.pi * 0.7: return if self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_1] != yaw: self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_1] += yaw * 0.0005 self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_2] = -pitch rospy.loginfo_throttle( 1, f"Following head to last seen ball location {self.last_ball_pose.position}. Camera Location {camera_pose.position}, Camera To Ball {camera_to_ball_position}, Calculated Yaw {yaw}, Pitch {pitch}", ) self.last_ball_tracking_walking_timestamp = else: self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_1] = 0 self.configuration[Joints.HEAD_2] = 0 self.head_step = 0 elif self.robot_state.status == self.robot_state.STATUS_KICKING: self.last_ball_tracking_walking_timestamp =