import math
import numpy as np
import rospy
import scipy
from soccer_common.transformation import Transformation
from soccer_pycontrol.calibration import adjust_navigation_transform
from soccer_pycontrol.path_foot import PathFoot
[docs]class PathTorso(PathFoot):
[docs] def __init__(self, start_transform, end_transform, foot_center_to_floor):
super().__init__(start_transform, end_transform, foot_center_to_floor)
#: How much the torso bounces up and down while following the torso trajectory (m)
self.torso_zdiff_sway = rospy.get_param("torso_zdiff_sway", 0.00)
#: How much the torso sways left and right while following the torso trajectory (m)
self.torso_sidediff_sway = rospy.get_param("torso_sidediff_sway", -0.025)
#: How much the torso rotates while following the torso trajectory (yaw, pitch, roll)
self.torso_thetadiff_sway = rospy.get_param("torso_thetadiff_sway", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
# Calculate the foot for the first step (based on destination)
axang_angle, axang_vector = Transformation.get_axis_angle_from_quaternion(self.start_transform.quaternion)
theta1 = axang_angle
diff_transform = np.matmul(end_transform, scipy.linalg.inv(start_transform))
theta2 = np.arctan2(diff_transform[1, 3], diff_transform[0, 3])
if (theta2 - theta1) % (2 * np.pi) > np.pi:
self.first_step_left = 0
self.first_step_left = 1
[docs] def torsoPosition(self, t: float, invert_calibration=False) -> Transformation:
Retrieves the torso position at a given time of the path
:param t: Time since the beginning of the robot path
:return: The transformation of the torso position on the path
[step_num, right_foot_ratio, left_foot_ratio] = self.leftRightFootStepRatio(t, 1)
[right_foot_action, _] = self.whatIsTheFootDoing(step_num)
if len(right_foot_action) == 2:
ratio = right_foot_ratio
ratio = left_foot_ratio
# Base position for the torso
if step_num == 0:
_from = self.getTorsoStepPose(0)
_to = self.getTorsoStepPose(1)
body_movement_ratio = ratio / 2
elif step_num == self.num_steps() - 1:
_from = self.getTorsoStepPose(step_num - 1)
_to = self.getTorsoStepPose(step_num)
body_movement_ratio = (ratio / 2) + (1 / 2)
if ratio < 0.5:
_from = self.getTorsoStepPose(step_num - 1)
_to = self.getTorsoStepPose(step_num)
body_movement_ratio = ratio + 0.5
_from = self.getTorsoStepPose(step_num)
_to = self.getTorsoStepPose(step_num + 1)
body_movement_ratio = ratio - 0.5
if invert_calibration:
_from = adjust_navigation_transform(self.start_transform, _from, invert=True)
_to = adjust_navigation_transform(self.start_transform, _to, invert=True)
position = self.parabolicPath(_from, _to, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, body_movement_ratio)
# Vertical Sway (sinusoidal wave)
[_, right_foot_ratio, _] = self.leftRightFootStepRatio(t, 3)
if len(right_foot_action) == 2: # Left foot moving, lean right
ratio = right_foot_ratio
ratio = left_foot_ratio
if t < self.half_step_time():
zdiff = self.torso_zdiff_sway * (1 - np.cos(ratio * np.pi))
elif t > self.duration() - self.half_step_time():
zdiff = self.torso_zdiff_sway * (1 - np.cos((ratio * np.pi) + np.pi))
zdiff = self.torso_zdiff_sway * (1 - np.cos((ratio * 2 * np.pi) + np.pi))
# Horizontal Sway (exponential decay)
[_, right_foot_ratio, left_foot_ratio] = self.leftRightFootStepRatio(t, 3)
if len(right_foot_action) == 2:
ratio = right_foot_ratio
is_right_foot = -1
ratio = left_foot_ratio
is_right_foot = 1
r = -4 * (ratio**2) + 4 * ratio
ydiff = r * self.torso_sidediff_sway * is_right_foot
thetadiff = ydiff / self.torso_sidediff_sway * np.array(self.torso_thetadiff_sway)
H = Transformation(euler=thetadiff) # H = eul2tform(thetadiff)
H.position = [-0.005, ydiff, zdiff]
position = position @ H
return position
[docs] def show(self, fig=None):
Draws the torso position
:param fig: Figure Handle
i = 0
iterator = np.linspace(0, self.duration(), num=math.ceil(self.duration() / self.step_precision) + 1)
tfInterp = np.zeros((4, 4, len(iterator)))
for t in iterator:
tfInterp[:, :, i] = self.torsoPosition(t)
i = i + 1
self.show_tf(fig, tfInterp, len(iterator))