Source code for soccer_pycontrol.path_robot

import math

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy

from soccer_pycontrol.path import Path
from soccer_pycontrol.path_foot import PathFoot
from soccer_pycontrol.path_torso import PathTorso

[docs]class PathRobot(PathTorso): """ Subclass for the robot's path, contains functions to draw the path of the robot """
[docs] def __init__(self, start_transform, end_transform, foot_center_to_floor): super().__init__(start_transform, end_transform, foot_center_to_floor)
[docs] def show(self): fig = plt.figure(tight_layout=True, figsize=(10, 10)), fig) #, fig) # to interact with the path graph uncomment this
[docs] def showTimingDiagram(self): """ Displays a set of timing diagrams showing the foot step and ratios along the robot path """ times = np.linspace(0, self.duration(), num=math.ceil(self.duration() / self.step_precision) + 1) i = 0 step_num = np.zeros(len(times)) right_foot_step_ratio = np.zeros(len(times)) left_foot_step_ratio = np.zeros(len(times)) right_foot_body_pose = np.zeros(len(times)) left_foot_body_pose = np.zeros(len(times)) for t in times: [step_num[i], right_foot_step_ratio[i], left_foot_step_ratio[i]] = self.leftRightFootStepRatio(t) [right_foot_action, left_foot_action] = self.whatIsTheFootDoing(step_num[i]) if len(right_foot_action) == 1: right_foot_body_pose[i] = right_foot_action[0] else: right_foot_body_pose[i] = (right_foot_action[1] - right_foot_action[0]) * right_foot_step_ratio[i] + right_foot_action[0] if len(left_foot_action) == 1: left_foot_body_pose[i] = left_foot_action[0] else: left_foot_body_pose[i] = (left_foot_action[1] - left_foot_action[0]) * left_foot_step_ratio[i] + left_foot_action[0] i = i + 1 fig = plt.figure(2, tight_layout=True) # Foot Step ratio plt.subplot(321) plt.plot(times, right_foot_step_ratio, label="Left") plt.plot(times, left_foot_step_ratio, label="Right") plt.title("Foot step Ratio") plt.xlabel("time (t)") plt.ylabel("Ratio") plt.legend() plt.grid(b=True, which="both", axis="both") # Foot step plt.subplot(323) plt.plot(times, step_num, label="Step Num") plt.plot(times, right_foot_body_pose, label="Right") plt.plot(times, left_foot_body_pose, label="Left") plt.title("Foot body pose") plt.xlabel("time (t)") plt.ylabel("Body Pose") plt.legend() plt.grid(b=True, which="both", axis="both") # Music???? times = np.linspace(0, self.duration(), num=math.ceil(self.duration() / self.step_precision) + 1) lfp = np.zeros((4, 4, len(times))) rfp = np.zeros((4, 4, len(times))) crp = np.zeros((4, 4, len(times))) diff_right_foot = np.zeros((4, 4, len(times))) diff_left_foot = np.zeros((4, 4, len(times))) i = 0 for t in times: [lfp[:, :, i], rfp[:, :, i]] = self.footPosition(t) crp[:, :, i] = self.torsoPosition(t) diff_right_foot[:, :, i] = np.matmul(lfp[:, :, i], scipy.linalg.inv(crp[:, :, i])) # lfp[:,:, i] / crp[:,:, i] diff_left_foot[:, :, i] = np.matmul(rfp[:, :, i], scipy.linalg.inv(crp[:, :, i])) # rfp[:,:, i] / crp[:,:, i] i = i + 1 plt.subplot(322) plt.plot(times, lfp[0, 3, :].ravel(), label="Left") plt.plot(times, rfp[0, 3, :].ravel(), label="Right") plt.plot(times, crp[0, 3, :].ravel(), label="Crotch") plt.title("X position of left, right and body") plt.xlabel("time (t)") plt.ylabel("Torso to feet (x)") plt.legend() plt.grid(b=True, which="both", axis="both") plt.subplot(325) plt.plot(times, np.linalg.norm(diff_right_foot[0:3, 3, :], axis=0), label="Left") plt.plot(times, np.linalg.norm(diff_left_foot[0:3, 3, :], axis=0), label="Right") plt.title("Absolute distance between torso and foot") plt.xlabel("time (t)") plt.ylabel("Torso to feet (abs)") plt.grid(b=True, which="both", axis="both") plt.legend() plt.subplot(324) plt.plot(times, diff_right_foot[1, 3, :].ravel(), label="Right") plt.plot(times, diff_left_foot[1, 3, :].ravel(), label="Left") plt.title("Diff between feet and body") plt.xlabel("time (t)") plt.ylabel("Torso to feet (y)") plt.grid(b=True, which="both", axis="both") plt.legend() plt.subplot(326) plt.plot(times, crp[2, 3, :].ravel(), label="Crotch") plt.plot(times, lfp[2, 3, :].ravel(), label="Left") plt.plot(times, rfp[2, 3, :].ravel(), label="Right") plt.title("Z position of left, right and body") plt.xlabel("time (t)") plt.ylabel("Torso to feet (z)") plt.grid(b=True, which="both", axis="both") plt.legend() # plt.draw() fig.canvas.draw()