Source code for soccer_pycontrol.path_foot

import enum
import functools
import math
from copy import deepcopy

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import rospy

from soccer_common.transformation import Transformation
from soccer_pycontrol.path import Path

[docs]class PostPreSetting(enum.IntEnum): """ The post and pre step ratio for a footstep t = 0 t = 0.1 t = 0.8 t = 1.0 | Feet is back on the ground | Feet is off the ground | Feet is back on the ground | pre_footstep_ratio = 0.1/1.0 post_footstep_ratio = 0.2/1.0 """ POST_AND_PRE = 0 ONLY_POST_AND_PRE_ON_LAST_ONES = 1 ONLY_POST = 2 NO_POST_NOR_PRE = 3
[docs]class PathFoot(Path): """ Adds the path of the 2 feet on the left and right of the Path """
[docs] def __init__(self, start_transform, end_transform, foot_center_to_floor): # : A half step is taken on the first and the last step to get the robot moving, this parameter indicates the # time ratio between the half step and the full step self.half_to_full_step_time_ratio = rospy.get_param("half_to_full_step_time_ratio", 0.7) # : Time ratio of a single step in range [0, 1], the ratio of time keeping the feet on the ground before # lifting it self.pre_footstep_ratio = rospy.get_param("pre_footstep_ratio", 0.15) # : Time ratio of a single step in range [0, 1], the ratio of time after making the step with the foot on # the ground self.post_footstep_ratio = rospy.get_param("post_footstep_ratio", 0.25) #: The seperation of the feet while walking self.foot_separation = rospy.get_param("foot_separation", 0.044) #: The height of the step from the ground self.step_height = rospy.get_param("step_height", 0.065) #: The distance to the outwards direction when the robot takes a step, positive means away from the Path self.step_outwardness = rospy.get_param("step_outwardness", 0.015) #: The amount of rotation of the footstep, positive means the feet turns outwards to the side self.step_rotation = rospy.get_param("step_rotation", 0.05) #: Whether the first step is the left foot self.first_step_left = False super().__init__(start_transform, end_transform) self.foot_center_to_floor = foot_center_to_floor
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def half_step_time(self): """ The time it takes for the robot to take a half step :return: Time in seconds """ return self.full_step_time() * self.half_to_full_step_time_ratio
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def full_step_time(self): """ The time it takes for the robot to take a full step :return: Time in seconds """ total_step_time = self.duration() return total_step_time / (2 * self.half_to_full_step_time_ratio + (self.num_steps() - 2))
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def num_steps(self): """ Total number of steps in a path """ return self.torsoStepCount() + 1
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def leftRightFootStepRatio(self, t: float, post_pre_settings: PostPreSetting = PostPreSetting.POST_AND_PRE) -> (int, float, float): """ Gets the ratio of the step of the foot given the time of the path :param t: The time of the path :param post_pre_settings: Which setting to use, whether post and pre steps are taken account for :return: (Step Number, Right foot's step ratio, Left foots step ratio) """ full_step_time = self.full_step_time() half_step_time = self.half_step_time() post_step_time = self.post_footstep_ratio * full_step_time pre_step_time = self.pre_footstep_ratio * full_step_time if post_pre_settings == PostPreSetting.ONLY_POST_AND_PRE_ON_LAST_ONES: if t < half_step_time: pre_step_time = 0 elif t > (self.duration() - half_step_time): post_step_time = 0 else: post_step_time = 0 pre_step_time = 0 elif post_pre_settings == PostPreSetting.ONLY_POST: pre_step_time = 0 post_step_time = -post_step_time elif post_pre_settings == PostPreSetting.NO_POST_NOR_PRE: post_step_time = 0 pre_step_time = 0 last_foot_same = self.num_steps() % 2 step_num = -1 # First foot if t < half_step_time: if t < post_step_time: first_foot_step_ratio = 0 elif t > (half_step_time - pre_step_time): first_foot_step_ratio = 1 else: first_foot_step_ratio = (t - post_step_time) / (half_step_time - post_step_time - pre_step_time) elif last_foot_same and (t > self.duration() - half_step_time): adjusted_step_time = t - (self.duration() - half_step_time) if adjusted_step_time < post_step_time: first_foot_step_ratio = 0 elif adjusted_step_time > (half_step_time - pre_step_time): first_foot_step_ratio = 1 else: first_foot_step_ratio = (adjusted_step_time - post_step_time) / (half_step_time - post_step_time - pre_step_time) else: adjusted_step_time = t - half_step_time # fix in matlab function rounds to nearest integer towards 0 if (adjusted_step_time / full_step_time) >= 0: step_num = np.floor(adjusted_step_time / full_step_time) # fix function in matlab else: step_num = np.ceil(adjusted_step_time / full_step_time) # fix function in matlab adjusted_step_time = adjusted_step_time - step_num * full_step_time if (step_num % 2) == 0: first_foot_step_ratio = 0 else: if adjusted_step_time < post_step_time: first_foot_step_ratio = 0 elif adjusted_step_time > (full_step_time - pre_step_time): first_foot_step_ratio = 1 else: first_foot_step_ratio = (adjusted_step_time - post_step_time) / (full_step_time - post_step_time - pre_step_time) # Second foot if t < half_step_time: second_foot_step_ratio = 0 elif (not last_foot_same) and (t > (self.duration() - half_step_time)): adjusted_step_time = t - (self.duration() - half_step_time) if adjusted_step_time < post_step_time: second_foot_step_ratio = 0 elif adjusted_step_time > (half_step_time - pre_step_time): second_foot_step_ratio = 1 else: second_foot_step_ratio = (adjusted_step_time - post_step_time) / (half_step_time - post_step_time - pre_step_time) else: adjusted_step_time = t - half_step_time # fix in matlab function rounds to nearest integer towards 0 if (adjusted_step_time / full_step_time) >= 0: step_num = int(np.floor(adjusted_step_time / full_step_time)) # fix function in matlab else: step_num = int(np.ceil(adjusted_step_time / full_step_time)) # fix function in matlab adjusted_step_time = adjusted_step_time - step_num * full_step_time if (step_num % 2) == 1: second_foot_step_ratio = 0 else: if adjusted_step_time < post_step_time: second_foot_step_ratio = 0 elif adjusted_step_time > (full_step_time - pre_step_time): second_foot_step_ratio = 1 else: second_foot_step_ratio = (adjusted_step_time - post_step_time) / (full_step_time - post_step_time - pre_step_time) # Which foot is first? assert first_foot_step_ratio <= 1 assert second_foot_step_ratio <= 1 if self.first_step_left: right_foot_step_ratio = first_foot_step_ratio left_foot_step_ratio = second_foot_step_ratio else: right_foot_step_ratio = second_foot_step_ratio left_foot_step_ratio = first_foot_step_ratio step_num = step_num + 1 return [step_num, right_foot_step_ratio, left_foot_step_ratio]
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def rightFootGroundPositionAtTorsoStep(self, n: int) -> Transformation: """ Position of the right foot on the ground at a certain foot step :param n: Body Step :return: Position given as a transformation """ torsostep = self.getTorsoStepPose(n) bodypos = torsostep.position transformToLeftFoot = Transformation([0, -self.foot_separation, -bodypos[2] + self.foot_center_to_floor]) return torsostep @ transformToLeftFoot
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def leftFootGroundPositionAtTorsoStep(self, n: int) -> Transformation: """ Position of the left foot on the ground at a certain foot step :param n: Body Step :return: Position given as a transformation """ torsostep = self.getTorsoStepPose(n) bodypos = torsostep.position transformToRightFoot = Transformation([0, self.foot_separation, -bodypos[2] + self.foot_center_to_floor]) return torsostep @ transformToRightFoot
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def whatIsTheFootDoing(self, step_num: int) -> [int, int]: """ What is the foot doing, returns right and left foot actions, if the number is 0, then it is waiting at torsoStep 0, if the number is 1, then it is waiting at torso step 1. If it is an array like [1, 3], it indicates that it is in the middle of the parabolic trajectory from torsoPose 1 to torsePose 3 :param step_num: Step Pose :return: [right foot action, left foot action] """ if step_num == 0: if self.first_step_left: right_foot_action = [0, 1] # Go from body position 0 to 1 left_foot_action = [0] # Stay put at position 0 else: right_foot_action = [0] left_foot_action = [0, 1] elif step_num == (self.num_steps() - 1): if self.first_step_left ^ ((self.num_steps() % 2) == 0): # xor right_foot_action = [self.num_steps() - 2, self.num_steps() - 1] left_foot_action = [self.num_steps() - 1] else: left_foot_action = [self.num_steps() - 2, self.num_steps() - 1] right_foot_action = [self.num_steps() - 1] else: if self.first_step_left: if (step_num % 2) == 0: # Left foot moving left_foot_action = [step_num] right_foot_action = [step_num - 1, step_num + 1] else: left_foot_action = [step_num - 1, step_num + 1] right_foot_action = [step_num] else: if (step_num % 2) == 0: # Left foot moving right_foot_action = [step_num] left_foot_action = [step_num - 1, step_num + 1] else: right_foot_action = [step_num - 1, step_num + 1] left_foot_action = [step_num] return [right_foot_action, left_foot_action]
[docs] def footPosition(self, t: float) -> [Transformation, Transformation]: """ Returns the positions of both feet given a certain time :param t: Relative time of the entire robot path :return: [Transformation of right foot, Transformation of left foot] """ [step_num, right_foot_step_ratio, left_foot_step_ratio] = self.leftRightFootStepRatio(t) [right_foot_action, left_foot_action] = self.whatIsTheFootDoing(step_num) if right_foot_step_ratio != 0 and right_foot_step_ratio != 1: assert len(right_foot_action) == 2 if left_foot_step_ratio != 0 and left_foot_step_ratio != 1: assert len(left_foot_action) == 2 # assert ((len(right_foot_action) == 2) == (right_foot_step_ratio != 0 and right_foot_step_ratio != 1)) # Left foot if len(right_foot_action) == 1: right_foot_position = self.rightFootGroundPositionAtTorsoStep(right_foot_action[0]) else: _from = self.rightFootGroundPositionAtTorsoStep(right_foot_action[0]) _to = self.rightFootGroundPositionAtTorsoStep(right_foot_action[1]) right_foot_position = self.parabolicPath(_from, _to, self.step_height, -self.step_outwardness, -self.step_rotation, right_foot_step_ratio) # Right foot if len(left_foot_action) == 1: left_foot_position = self.leftFootGroundPositionAtTorsoStep(left_foot_action[0]) else: _from = self.leftFootGroundPositionAtTorsoStep(left_foot_action[0]) _to = self.leftFootGroundPositionAtTorsoStep(left_foot_action[1]) left_foot_position = self.parabolicPath(_from, _to, self.step_height, self.step_outwardness, self.step_rotation, left_foot_step_ratio) return [right_foot_position, left_foot_position]
[docs] def parabolicPath( self, startTransform: Transformation, endTransform: Transformation, zdiff: float, sidediff: float, rotdiff: float, ratio: float ) -> Transformation: """ Calculates the position of a certain ratio on the parabolic path between two transforms :param startTransform: Starting Transform of the Parabolic path :param endTransform: End Transform of the Parabolic path :param zdiff: The height of the parabola :param sidediff: The left right of the parabola :param rotdiff: The amount the transformation rotates on its own axis (roll angle) :param ratio: The ratio between the two transforms :return: The transform between the two points on the parabolic path """ step_time = self.torsoStepTime() distance_between_step = Transformation.distance(startTransform, endTransform) if distance_between_step == 0.0: delta = 0.001 angle = startTransform.orientation_euler[2] delta_tr = [np.cos(angle) * delta, np.sin(angle) * delta, 0] endTransform = deepcopy(endTransform) endTransform.position = endTransform.position + delta_tr distance_between_step = Transformation.distance(startTransform, endTransform) assert distance_between_step != 0.0 height_per_step = np.linalg.norm([zdiff, sidediff]) h = height_per_step a = distance_between_step / 2 # Using Newton Approximation Method # L = distance_between_step aa = 4 * h / L f = lambda x: x * np.sqrt(1 + (x**2)) + np.arcsinh(x) # f = @(x) x * sqrt(1+x^2) + asinh(x); s = ratio J = lambda X: 2 * np.sqrt(1 + (X**2)) # J = @(X) 2 * sqrt(1+X^2); r = lambda X: f(X) - (1 - (2 * s)) * f(aa) # r = @(X) f(X) - (1-2*s)*f(aa); X = 0 while np.abs(r(X)) > 0.0001: X = X - r(X) / J(X) if aa == 0: dist = ratio * L else: dist = 0.5 * (1 - X / aa) * L # Calculate intermediate transform position_time = dist / distance_between_step * step_time if position_time < 0: position_time = 0 ratio = position_time / step_time if ratio < 0: ratio = 0 elif ratio > 1: ratio = 1 # Interpolate between the two H-transforms t1 = Transformation.transformation_weighted_average(startTransform, endTransform, ratio) x = (-a) + dist y = h * (1 - (x**2) / (a**2)) zdelta = np.cos(np.arctan2(sidediff, zdiff)) * y ydelta = np.sin(np.arctan2(sidediff, zdiff)) * y if rotdiff != 0: thetadelta = y / height_per_step * rotdiff else: thetadelta = 0 t2 = Transformation( position=[0, ydelta, zdelta], quaternion=Transformation.get_quaternion_from_axis_angle(vector=[1, 0, 0], angle=thetadelta), ) position = t1 @ t2 return position
[docs] def show(self, fig=None): """ Draws the feet positions :param fig: Shared figure object """ i = 0 # for t = 0:obj.step_size:obj.duration # TODO: make a generator? iterator = np.linspace(0, self.duration(), num=math.ceil(self.duration() / self.step_precision) + 1) tfInterp_l = np.zeros((4, 4, len(iterator))) tfInterp_r = np.zeros((4, 4, len(iterator))) for t in iterator: [lfp, rfp] = self.footPosition(t) tfInterp_l[:, :, i] = lfp tfInterp_r[:, :, i] = rfp i = i + 1 self.show_tf(fig, tfInterp_l, len(iterator)) self.show_tf(fig, tfInterp_r, len(iterator))
[docs] @staticmethod def show_tf(fig=None, tf_array=None, length=0): """ Helper function to draw the H-transforms equivalent to plotTransforms function in Matlab :param fig: Shared figure object :param tf_array: Array of transforms of size (4,4,n) :param length: The 3rd dimension of the array, n :return: None """ if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(tight_layout=True) ax = fig.gca(projection="3d") tfInterp_axis = np.zeros((3, length)) axes = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] colors = ["r", "g", "b"] ax = fig.gca(projection="3d") for j in range(len(axes)): for i in range(np.size(tf_array, 2)): tfInterp_axis[:, i] = np.matmul(tf_array[0:3, 0:3, i], axes[j]).ravel() tfInterp_axis = tfInterp_axis * 0.01 ax.quiver( tf_array[0, 3, :], tf_array[1, 3, :], tf_array[2, 3, :], tfInterp_axis[0, :], tfInterp_axis[1, :], tfInterp_axis[2, :], color=colors[j], normalize=True, length=0.01, arrow_length_ratio=0.2, ) fig.canvas.draw()