Source code for soccer_pycontrol.path

import functools
import math
from math import ceil, floor

import cachetools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import rospy
import scipy
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import (
    Axes3D,  # <--- This is important for 3d plotting, do not remove

from soccer_common import Transformation
from soccer_common.utils import wrapToPi
from soccer_pycontrol.path_section import PathSection
from soccer_pycontrol.path_section_bezier import PathSectionBezier
from soccer_pycontrol.path_section_short import PathSectionShort

[docs]class Path: """ Path of the robot, imagine a line underneath the torso on the ground between the two feet Consists of a list of bezier or short path sections """
[docs] def __init__(self, start_transform: Transformation, end_transform: Transformation): """ Initialization function for Path, creates a single path section, other path sections are only added when the route needs to change :param start_transform: Starting Robot Position :param end_transform: Ending Robot Position """ #: How precise the curves are calculated. The amount of movement per given step_precision is calculated (s) self.step_precision = rospy.get_param("step_precision", 0.02) self.start_transform: Transformation = start_transform self.end_transform: Transformation = end_transform self.path_sections = [] #: A list of Path Sections used to define the path p = self.createPathSection(start_transform, end_transform) self.path_sections.append(p)
@functools.cached_property def start_transformed_inv(self): return scipy.linalg.inv(self.start_transform)
[docs] def isShortPath(self, start_transform: Transformation, end_transform: Transformation): """ Determine whether the movement can be done with a short path of another type of path (bezier). Bezier is used only on simple forward paths, the rest use ShortPath :param start_transform: The start transform :param end_transform: The end transform :return: """ # If there is too much final rotation theta_diff = wrapToPi(end_transform.orientation_euler[0] - start_transform.orientation_euler[0]) pos_theta_diff = math.atan2( end_transform.position[1] - start_transform.position[1], end_transform.position[0] - start_transform.position[0], ) if abs(wrapToPi(pos_theta_diff - theta_diff)) > math.pi / 4: return True # If there is too much initial rotation start_end_diff = end_transform @ scipy.linalg.inv(start_transform) start_end_angle = math.atan2(start_end_diff[1, 3], start_end_diff[0, 3]) if abs(start_end_angle) > math.pi / 4: return True # If the distance is too close return np.linalg.norm(end_transform.position[0:2] - start_transform.position[0:2]) < 1
[docs] def createPathSection(self, start_transform: Transformation, end_transform: Transformation) -> PathSection: """ Create a path section between the two transforms :param start_transform: Starting robot position :param end_transform: Ending robot position :return: Depending on whether its a short path, a bezier path or a short path """ is_short_distance = self.isShortPath(start_transform, end_transform) if is_short_distance: return PathSectionShort(start_transform, end_transform) else: return PathSectionBezier(start_transform, end_transform)
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def linearStepCount(self) -> float: """ How many footsteps used for moving forward and backwards the robot takes to run this path :return: The number of steps """ linearStepCount = 0 for path_section in self.path_sections: linearStepCount += path_section.linearStepCount() return linearStepCount
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def angularStepCount(self): """ How many footsteps used for turning the robot takes to run this path :return: The number of steps """ angularStepCount = 0 for path_section in self.path_sections: angularStepCount += path_section.angularStepCount() return angularStepCount
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def torsoStepCount(self) -> int: """ Number of torso steps, a torso step is the amount of steps the body moves (similar to foot steps, but doesn't include turning in place. :return: """ torsoStepCount = 0 for path_section in self.path_sections: torsoStepCount += path_section.torsoStepCount() return floor(torsoStepCount)
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def getTorsoStepPose(self, step_num) -> Transformation: """ Get the torso position given a certain torso step :param step_num: The body step of the path :return: A position of the robot's torso at the spot """ count = step_num for path_section in self.path_sections: if count <= path_section.torsoStepCount(): return path_section.getBodyStepPose(count) count = count - path_section.torsoStepCount() raise Exception(f"Invalid body step calculation {count}/{self.torsoStepCount()}")
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def duration(self) -> float: """ Get the duration in seconds for a given path :return: Duration of the paths in seconds """ duration = 0 for path_section in self.path_sections: duration += path_section.duration() return duration
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def estimatedPositionAtTime(self, t) -> Transformation: """ Get an estimated position of the robot given a certain time. Used by strategy simulation. Do not use in the walking engine :param t: The relative time of the path :return: Position of the torso at the given time """ estimated_ratio = min(t / self.duration(), 1) return self.poseAtRatio(estimated_ratio)
[docs] def isFinished(self, t): """ Whether the path is complete :param t The relative time of the path :return: True if the path has been completed walking """ return t >= self.duration()
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def torsoStepTime(self): """ The average time it takes for the robot's torso to make a single step :return: time in seconds """ return self.duration() / self.torsoStepCount()
# Return the subpath and the corresponding ratio
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def getSubPathSectionAndRatio(self, r: float) -> (PathSection, float): """ Returns the PathSection and ratio of the pathsection given a ratio of the entire Path :param r: ratio of the entire Path :return: Path section and the ratio of the Path Section """ total_duration = self.duration() cumulative_ratio = 0 for path_section in self.path_sections: if total_duration == 0: return 0, path_section ratio = path_section.duration() / total_duration next_cumulative_ratio = cumulative_ratio + ratio if next_cumulative_ratio >= r: return (r - cumulative_ratio) / ratio, path_section cumulative_ratio = next_cumulative_ratio raise Exception("Invalid ratio " + str(r))
[docs] def poseAtRatio(self, r: float) -> Transformation: """ Get the position given the ratio of the entire path :param r: ratio of the entire Path :return: Position of the torso at that time """ ratio, path_section = self.getSubPathSectionAndRatio(r) return path_section.poseAtRatio(ratio)
[docs] def getTimePathOfNextStep(self, t) -> (float, float, float, PathSection, float): """ Get a series of information about the path at a certain time :param t: The time relative to the entire path's time :return: a list of relavant information """ ratio = t / self.duration() ratio, path_section = self.getSubPathSectionAndRatio(ratio) # Get next torsostep torsostep_count = 0 for path in self.path_sections: if path != path_section: torsostep_count = torsostep_count + path.torsoStepCount() else: break subpath_count = (path_section.distance * ratio) / path_section.torso_step_length torsostep_count += subpath_count torsostep_count = ceil(torsostep_count) # Get information about this body step def getBodyStepTime(step_num): count = step_num time = 0 for path_section in self.path_sections: if count <= path_section.torsoStepCount(): ratio = path_section.getRatioFromStep(count) time = time + ratio * path_section.duration() distance = path_section.torso_step_length * count return time, ratio, distance, path_section count = count - path_section.torsoStepCount() time = time + path_section.duration() raise Exception("Invalid body step calculation " + str(count)) time, ratio, distance, path_section = getBodyStepTime(torsostep_count) return time, ratio, distance, path_section, torsostep_count
[docs] def terminateWalk(self, t): """ Get estimated path ratio from the current time plus one more step, and then find the distance of that ratio and set the distance. Stops the walking at a given time, ends the current PathSection's trajectory :param t: Time relative to the Path """ time, ratio, path_distance, path_section, step = self.getTimePathOfNextStep(t) path_section.distance = path_distance # Remove any future subsections reached = False for p in self.path_sections: if p == path_section: reached = True continue if reached: self.path_sections.remove(p)
[docs] def dynamicallyUpdateGoalPosition(self, t, end_transform): """ Updates the goal position dynamically (not working) :param t: Current time :param end_transform: New goal position """ t_change = t + 1 if len(self.path_sections) >= 1 and self.path_sections[-1] is PathSectionShort: raise Exception("If the last path is a Short paths, it cannot be further modified") if self.duration() - t_change < 1: raise Exception("There is not enough time to update the position, current time { t } , duration of current path { self.duration()}") t_new, ratio, path_distance, path_section, step = self.getTimePathOfNextStep(t_change) start_transform = self.getTorsoStepPose(step) # TODO allow bezier paths to go to short paths and vice versa if self.isShortPath(start_transform, end_transform): raise Exception("Cannot append a short path to a bezier path") self.terminateWalk(t_new) p = self.createPathSection(start_transform, end_transform) self.path_sections.append(p) return t_new
[docs] def show(self): """ Show some plots about the path """ position = np.zeros((self.torsoStepCount(), 3)) orientation = np.zeros((self.torsoStepCount(), 3)) colors = np.zeros((self.torsoStepCount(), 4)) colors_arrow_ends = np.zeros((self.torsoStepCount() * 2, 4)) section_color_map = {} for i in range(0, len(self.path_sections)): section_color_map[i] = np.append(np.random.rand(3), 1) for i in range(0, self.torsoStepCount(), 1): # i = 0:1: obj.torsoStepCount step = self.getTorsoStepPose(i) position[i, 0:3] = step.position orientation[i, 0:3] = (step[0:3, 0:3] @ np.reshape(np.array([0.015, 0.0, 0.0]), (3, 1)))[:, 0] count = i section = 0 for path_section in self.path_sections: if count <= path_section.torsoStepCount(): break count = count - path_section.torsoStepCount() section = section + 1 colors[i] = section_color_map[section] colors_arrow_ends[2 * i] = section_color_map[section] colors_arrow_ends[2 * i + 1] = section_color_map[section] ax = plt.gca(projection="3d") ax.set_autoscale_on(True) colors = np.concatenate((colors, colors_arrow_ends)) ax.quiver( position[:, 0], position[:, 1], position[:, 2], orientation[:, 0], orientation[:, 1], orientation[:, 2], colors=colors, ) ax.set_zlim(0, 0.4) # Equalize X and Y axes xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() xlen = xlim[1] - xlim[0] ylen = ylim[1] - ylim[0] if xlen > ylen: ymid = 0.5 * (ylim[0] + ylim[1]) ylim_new = [ymid - xlen / 2, ymid + xlen / 2] ax.set_ylim(ylim_new) else: xmid = 0.5 * (xlim[0] + xlim[1]) xlim_new = [xmid - ylen / 2, xmid + ylen / 2] ax.set_xlim(xlim_new) ax.view_init(90, 0) return ax