Source code for soccer_object_localization.detector_objects

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import time

import numpy as np


from soccer_msgs.msg import RobotState

if "ROS_NAMESPACE" not in os.environ:
    os.environ["ROS_NAMESPACE"] = "/robot1"

import rospy
from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose2D
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState

from soccer_common.transformation import Transformation
from soccer_msgs.msg import BoundingBox, BoundingBoxes
from soccer_object_localization.detector import Detector

[docs]class DetectorObjects(Detector):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.joint_states_sub = rospy.Subscriber("joint_states", JointState, self.jointStatesCallback, queue_size=1) self.bounding_boxes_sub = rospy.Subscriber("object_bounding_boxes", BoundingBoxes, self.objectDetectorCallback, queue_size=1) self.ball_pixel_publisher = rospy.Publisher("ball_pixel", Pose2D, queue_size=1) self.head_motor_1_angle = 0 self.last_ball_pose = None self.last_ball_pose_counter = 0
def jointStatesCallback(self, msg: JointState): if len( != 0: index ="head_motor_1") self.head_motor_1_angle = msg.position[index] def objectDetectorCallback(self, msg: BoundingBoxes): if self.robot_state.status not in [RobotState.STATUS_LOCALIZING, RobotState.STATUS_READY]: return if not return s = time.time(), from_world_frame=True, skip_if_not_found=True) e = time.time() if e - s > 1: rospy.logerr_throttle(1, f"Resetting camera position took longer than usual ({e-s}) seconds") # Ball max_detection_size = 0 final_camera_to_ball: Transformation = None final_ball_pixel = None candidate_ball_counter = 1 obstacle_counter = 0 for box in msg.bounding_boxes: if box.Class == "0": # Exclude weirdly shaped balls ratio = (box.ymax - box.ymin) / (box.xmax - box.xmin) if ratio > 2 or ratio < 0.5: rospy.logwarn_throttle(1, f"Excluding weirdly shaped ball {box.ymax - box.ymin} x {box.xmax - box.xmin}") continue boundingBoxes = [[box.xmin, box.ymin], [box.xmax, box.ymax]] ball_pose =, boundingBoxes) # Ignore balls outside of the field camera_to_ball = np.linalg.inv( @ ball_pose detection_size = (box.ymax - box.ymin) * (box.xmax - box.xmin) rospy.loginfo_throttle( 5, f"Candidate Ball Position { candidate_ball_counter }: { ball_pose.position[0] } { ball_pose.position[1] }, detection_size { detection_size }", ) candidate_ball_counter = candidate_ball_counter + 1 # Exclude balls outside the field + extra space in the net if abs(ball_pose.position[0]) > 5.2 or abs(ball_pose.position[1]) > 3.5: continue # If it is the first ball, we need high confidence if self.last_ball_pose is None: if box.probability < rospy.get_param("~first_ball_detection_confidence_threshold", 0.78): rospy.logwarn_throttle(0.5, f"Ignoring first pose of ball with low confidence threshold {box.probability}") continue # Exclude balls that are too far from the previous location if self.last_ball_pose is not None: if np.linalg.norm(ball_pose.position[0:2]) < 0.1: # In the start position pass elif np.linalg.norm(ball_pose.position[0:2] - self.last_ball_pose.position[0:2]) > 3: # meters from previous position rospy.logwarn_throttle( 0.5, f"Detected a ball too far away ({ self.last_ball_pose_counter }), Last Location {self.last_ball_pose.position[0:2]} Detected Location {ball_pose.position[0:2] }", ) self.last_ball_pose_counter = self.last_ball_pose_counter + 1 if self.last_ball_pose_counter > 5: # Counter to prevent being stuck when the ball is in a different location self.last_ball_pose_counter = 0 self.last_ball_pose = None continue # Get the largest detection if detection_size > max_detection_size: final_camera_to_ball = camera_to_ball final_ball_pixel = Pose2D() final_ball_pixel.x = (box.xmax - box.xmin) * 0.5 + box.xmin final_ball_pixel.y = (box.ymax - box.ymin) * 0.5 + box.ymin self.last_ball_pose = ball_pose self.last_ball_pose_counter = 0 max_detection_size = detection_size pass elif box.Class == "2": if box.probability > 0.78: if box.obstacle_detected: pos = [box.xbase, box.ybase] floor_coordinate_robot = world_to_obstacle = Transformation(position=floor_coordinate_robot) camera_to_obstacle = np.linalg.inv( @ world_to_obstacle camera_to_obstacle.position, camera_to_obstacle.quaternion, msg.header.stamp, self.robot_name + f"/obstacle_{obstacle_counter}", self.robot_name + "/camera", ) rospy.loginfo(f"Obstacle {obstacle_counter} detected at [{pos}] {floor_coordinate_robot} {camera_to_obstacle.position}") obstacle_counter += 1 if final_camera_to_ball is not None: self.ball_pixel_publisher.publish(final_ball_pixel) final_camera_to_ball.position, final_camera_to_ball.quaternion, msg.header.stamp, self.robot_name + "/ball", self.robot_name + "/camera", ) rospy.loginfo_throttle( 1, f"\u001b[1m\u001b[34mBall detected [{self.last_ball_pose.position[0]:.3f}, {self.last_ball_pose.position[1]:.3f}] \u001b[0m", )
if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("ball_detector") ball_detector = DetectorObjects() rospy.spin()