Source code for soccer_common.utils

import os
import zipfile
from pathlib import Path

import gdown
import numpy as np

[docs]def download_dataset(url, folder_path: str): # Collect the dataset from the web ( bag_path = Path(folder_path) if not bag_path.is_dir(): print(f"Dataset not found at {folder_path}. Downloading ...") os.makedirs(bag_path) zipfilepath = folder_path + "/", output=zipfilepath, quiet=False) with zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilepath, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(folder_path) os.remove(zipfilepath)
[docs]def wrapTo2Pi(num: float) -> float: """ Wraps a angle to 2 pi, etc -5pi -> -pi :param num: Angle in radians """ rem = num % (2 * np.pi) return rem
[docs]def wrapToPi(num: float) -> float: """ Wraps a angle to pi, etc -3pi -> pi :param num: Angle in radians """ rem = (num + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi return rem
[docs]def trimToPi(num: float) -> float: """ Limit a angle to be within -pi and pi :param num: angle in floats """ return max(min(num, np.pi), -np.pi)